Friday, May 4, 2018

We Have Another "No Feces Shurlock" Moment Here

Maybe tech will eventually tumble to this glaring absurdity concerning our terrible priorities. Gods know that not much of the rest of our economy spends much time thinking about it. And of course, by "it" I am referring to the glaring absence of thought that goes into how much creative effort the current economic operating system wastes on pure BS. And I mean absolutely pure BS; as most of the PR,  marketing, packaging, and entertainment industries now regale us now with, clearly attests to.

What is far worse in this, however, is the simple fact that this occurs even as the planet, and vast swaths of human need, cries out for help. Cries out for the kind of help that only the most creative, and smart, among us can possibly hope to provide succor for. And all the while the rest of us plod on not wanting to be distracted from our distractions of choice.


Too often we're wasting the most creative people on the planet on the most trivial and ridiculous problems.

See Also:
[Post Note: I've included this article because it also serves to illustrates that not only are some problems ridiculous in the first place, as the idea of "disruption" ought to be clearly seen as, som folks get so fixated on it they forget the important fact now that everything affects everything else. And so your supposed clever "disruption" turns out, eventually, to be not so clever whatsoever. J.V.]


You like Airbnb? Sure, sure, great. Would you like Airbnb as much if you knew that its mere existence was costing you, personally, an extra thousand bucks a year in rent?

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