Saturday, May 19, 2018

This Is Why You Have To Talk In Terms Of Elemental Intents

As well as the need for ongoing, dynamic balance between seemingly diametric opposites; hence my system of the two elementals "Father Fortress," as well as "Mother Earth" (which are also referred to as "Mind" -- based on the singular point of view that rationality creates via language, and the "Elemental Embrace" -- based on the idea of the need to come together and exchange, with connection itself then being the result because process must curve back around for their to be self sustaining iteration in the first place.

As such it isn't a question of whether its one or the other, but rather always some combination of both because it always depends on so many other, relative processes going on. And then it all occurs in an entirety that leaks like a sieve; precisely because boundary itself is also such a relative, elemental intent. So much so, in fact, that directly, or via vast, indirect circumulations, information is pushed across supposed boundary, after supposed boundary; affecting things within our perception, from both within us, and from without; changing us, as well as what we evolve in.

And if that weren't bad enough it would also appear that sentient choice is essential on so many levels we may never be able to fully appreciate it.


This simple but systematic and ubiquitous interpretive error constitutes what might well be the single biggest mistake in the history of modern science and philosophy.

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