Thursday, January 24, 2019

Here's A Useful Bunch Of Juxtapositions For You

Can you see how they call out for a lot of useful questions; especially as it regards philosophies, and what one thinks of when we talk about how we do Social House Hold?

I, of course, would like to think that my new philosophy was born of absolutely requiring it to be useful. I do not think I would have survived to this point if it were not. And that is because I grew up as a strictly working class kid (with no four year schooling degree, just two junior college stints). Someone who's main inheritance from his folks was the collateral damage that the Great Depression wrought on both of them. Something the "after WW2 prosperity" only covered up for a while. Once the rest of the world got back on its feet, and we led the way into full on, global economic competition.

That might have been manageable if it weren't also for the fact of the Information Revolution to also have become a fact of global life. Doubled, and redoubled, with Moore's Law, forcing the growing realization of just how critical, getting, holding, and using, by whatever means, information better than the other guy, was paramount to economic survival on a fundamental basis.

As such, you can see why information is now so coveted. For not only is it money itself now, as the ones and zeros, of all the financial servers of the world, it is also the means to manipulate towards your requirements for how things should be in the world.

Naturally, if you have a lot of counters to protect the value of, in all sorts of those financial servers, it is quite useful to take those actions necessary to preserve any status quo that might facilitate that value protection.

Is it really so useful for the rest of us working folks, though, if money, any more, is just something that gets in the way of actually getting anything useful done, in terms of real, living, human value? Especially now that automation could be used to our benefit, and not as something to take our livelihoods away from us? Assuming, of course, that we were ready to accept full responsibility for ourselves, and realize that we must redefine what work should be, in order to have human useful communities.

And, finally, how useful is it for a biome, as a whole, to continue to tolerate one component of itself, to act in direct contravention of all of the norms that keep that living system, again, as a whole, functioning as the integrated thing it has been for most of its existence?

Why Taxing the Bejesus Out of the Rich Might Be Useful, Even if It Doesn’t Actually Raise Much Money

Philosophy must be useful

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

If You Want A Grand Way To Unify Things

Why don't you start with this:

Everything Is A Self Sustaining, Iterative Process, of one form or another.

What does that really mean?

That meaning itself must be involved, in the sustaining, process dependant interactions, of the complete cycle, for why else would the connection hold, in order for the mediation, or exchange, of the interactions to take place, in the first place? In this, Meaning is the attractive force that calls out to other, sustained collections, of meaning.

In this also, however, are two other factors.

First that it must be iterative, in arbitrary frames of reference, so that state change can be applied, within that limited scope of, no matter what scale that might be. State change that must take place so that, as the result set of that narrow context is realized, into the totality of its context fabric, it can then become the new input for the next iteration to take place.

And secondly that, at some point, meaning processors, of some form, must also arise, as system object effectors, so that ever more informed, and properly channeled (as in most effectively integrated), choice can be part of the new, ever more complex, matrix of sub processes, within the overall, always aggregating, iterative collective. Choice that is then able to discern the more meaningful connections with which to create more, higher order, interactive, self sustaining iterators, with; and thus begin the cycle again.

And this must be so because, if more informed choices aren't utilized, the advancement in structural capability will either a; peter out and result in less differential (without those new, higher order, processing objects) with which to create any new meanings with at all, or b: the new ability (from the higher order objects), used without informed choice, will prove to be too much change (as in destructive) for the iterative system to sustain existing meaningful connections with at all, much thus the sufficient stability to create more "good choice makers".

This is, as well, where you have to reiterate that this takes place for everything, at every scale of reference. Keeping in mind that the infinite array of branching, reality ray tracings, is all semi permeable, and always leaking stuff across matrices of cascade, and counter cascade, endlessly, pushing entanglements we are only beginning to imagine now.

Self Sustaining, Iterative Process

See Also:
Could Implied Measurement Be Another Elemental Intent

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Swimming With Sharks

When you look at this you have to ask yourself, is the nature of "monster" in the individual, or in the environment it operates in? Or perhaps some combo of both (understanding that the eye of the beholder is involved as well, of course)?

That being said, however, doesn't change the fact that, whatever the case may be, just because they are ostensibly fat and happy, at the moment, doesn't necessarily mean they will continue to be, in all of the moments to follow. Just ask the last noteworthy guy who used to pal around with grizzly bears.

There does seem to me to be one thing to be certain about here, though. And that is the one important aspect of "sharkness," other than its specific predation capabilities, that you can, always, count on, are the ever present, and ultimately, insatiable, appetites to be bigger, and badder, than all of the other sharks, so that particular expression of sharkness will prevail.

And if that means gobbling down well intentioned, very compelling, and appealing, nurturers of divine process (think of not only naturalists, or biologists, here, but all of the starry eyed dreamers who would be Liberals, or Progressives. or just people called to public service in general), it will be just another day at the office for the particular shark in question. Have no illusions about that.

The Week in Pictures: Jan. 11 - 17

See Also:

County by county, researchers link opioid deaths to drugmakers' marketing

34 Devastating Stories About How People Are Still Crushed By Medical Debt

Student Debt: An American Horror Story

Amazon Ruined Online Shopping

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Even Proto Sentient Life Wants To Express Choice

And in that choice, in the view of my Cosmolosophy, is the need made clear for meaning that extends beyond the mere, "objectively" practical, so as to create connections that give more than simple survival.

In this, do you not see the unity between, beauty, love, and the need to exchange purposely?

Could it be that you need to put on different kinds of eyes, from time to time, exactly in order that you might better be able to perceive more comprehensively?

Just something to think about as you also have to consider the ugly truths of existence. Part and parcel of trying to negotiate the difficult path of "Balance" between all of the opposites that life presents us with; as in "is it a higher power that I should serve, or a higher purpose?" And should it be just for myself? Or just for the "higher whatever?" Or perhaps some semblance of listening to both sides of that dichotomy as well.

How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Mutated Philosophical Notions Becoming Notable Brand Names

Because it sells well enough, to a market big enough, to be profitable. Just about what I'd expect from a "Mutated Economic Operating System," I can tell you.

I would also like to think that it provides some much needed contrast to what I am proposing with Cosmolosophy (where we work together to try and negotiate the balance between opposites: as in "The One, And the Many;" "Yin and Yang;" "Light and Dark;" "Being and Becoming;" a "Higher Power;" and a "Higher Purpose;" etc., etc.).

You do have to give them some credit, though, for not trying to pretty up the brand; even if it wasn't necessarily intentional (if they can't be good, at least let them be very unlucky). "Dark Enlightenment" indeed.

What also might not be clear here, however, is just how much the change in our "instrumentality," or the extensions of our various faculties, as Marshal McLuhan used to say, has had on the power of ideas now. And this might not be clear precisely because it is so obvious; and all too pervasive, around, and through us (because the medium is also the message, as much as any content is).

We already had the "Power of Positive" thinking crowd before, of course, but now the notion that "anything is possible," if you just believe in it enough, and are willing to do "whatever it takes," to make it happen, gets amplified like never before. Because now, if you do not think it also possible, that you might actually be wrong, you do have the means to lay waste to not only entire ecosystems, but to to the very fabric of what we thought humanity ought to be defined within; so that creation must always be destruction, and nothing else, and that light must be extinguished, because there can be no contrast allowed here to begin with, and no differences. As all must conform to the one vision of truth now to, supposedly, reign forevermore.

All of this ought to serve to indicate just how powerful, and scary, any idea can be now. It is certainly why I have been so adamant about the fact that I am not willing to do whatever it takes to make what I am proposing come about. And I can say that because no one is more clear on just how possible it is that I am wrong (even as I also think my viewpoint is still the more likely, with the evidence I currently possess).

This is also why I refuse to do very much more than what I feel is the delivery of professional output; output I spent over 25 years honing.  Not wanting to be too much of one simply trying to sell something for quick personal gain; an extension of the notion that I abhor the hard sell to begin with anyway, and have written on the fact that I believe it is immoral. Something that I think, certainly, should be the case if you say you want to get rid of commercialized thinking, and start back on what is "really needed" thinking; in human terms; and then how do we go about, reasonably, and with feeling, making it happen. Always respecting the reality that it will only be by continued negotiation of opposing views, that we will have any chance to survive what is coming to challenge us now. And that is, of course, one angry plant. And a chaos pot full of angry living things that have lost sight of balance.

And if you want any more contrast between me and them, just check out the music that such extreme groups play, as opposed to others. As in: do you think the "Dark Enlightenment" crowd would listen to Randy Travis singing "Point of Light;" Jesse Colin Young singing "Light Shine;" Lynyrd Skynyrd doing "Simple Man;" or Mike and the Mechanics, for that matter, singing "The Living Years?" And needing to sing these songs precisely because that is what helps make it be possible for you to have the hope it takes to keep going? As opposed to mere lust, envy, or other outrageously exposed hungers. As such, I would like to think that it matters that you understand the intents, and feelings, of these songs. But whether you do, or don't, though, we still have to get along if we want to go on living at all. And that is what we are going to have to figure out.

The referenced article quick list:

1:Here’s the Dark Enlightenment Explainer You Never Wanted

2:Intellectual humility: the importance of knowing you might be wrong


4:Veteran NBC News Reporter Resigns, Says Network 'Could No Longer Keep Up With The World'

5:Seduction, Inc

Here’s the Dark Enlightenment Explainer You Never Wanted

Intellectual humility: the importance of knowing you might be wrong


Veteran NBC News Reporter Resigns, Says Network 'Could No Longer Keep Up With The World'

Seduction, Inc

See Also:

Giant Mirrors. Ocean Whitening. Here’s How Exxon Wanted to Save the Planet

War with Russia?

Why exercise alone won’t save us

Thursday, January 3, 2019

In "The Living Years" We have left

Will we work for the resurrection of the importance of life itself, on this planet? And that human value ought to be determined by humans, within a sense of balance between all of the aspects of "opposite" that challenge sentient life?

Or will we allow ourselves to become de facto slaves, working the planet to death, as well as ourselves, for the increasing profit power of a few? And the indulgence in their own fantasies of "money can buy you anything." In this case, of course, thinking that this will also be survival, whatever comes.

The choice is still yours to make, but for how much longer I cannot say exactly, save to say that it cannot be a whole lot longer. Understanding as well that not choosing at all is a default choice for the status quo. A choice that will surely leave us with a planet without ice at the poles any more. And, as such, a planet without the same ability to do the circulation patterns, in the air, and the oceans, that life came to depend on over the last several hundred thousand, to a million years or so, of evolution.

The bottom line, though, is that, no matter what our views of each other may be, working people must never allow themselves to be working against each other. Because I mean, seriously?  We're going to let ourselves go down bad, and at each other's throats (because that is what it'll come to, when things really start falling apart -- just as all of the dystopian fantasies have portrayed it will be, in the general sense)? Just because they say this is the way things are supposed to be? For their amusement, one might imagine, as well as their profit? Until they too realize, at last, that, no matter how high tech, and well stocked, your protective bubble is, it can't long survive a planet that no longer wants life as it was; and will either bake them out, or freeze them out, to prove it. Assuming, naturally, that the collapse itself doesn't bring them down.

Referenced article quick list:

1:Mike & The Mechanics - The living Years

2:Warren's message on corruption and corporations could reshape the 2020 Democratic primary

3:Stock market sell-off was due to a 'glitch,' says Trump

4:Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders oppose Pelosi-backed spending rules

5:White House meeting with Hill leaders ends with no progress on shutdown deal

Mike & The Mechanics - The living Years

[Referenced articles post note: The bottom line for Progressives, as well as for fed up Liberals, not to mention people on the Right who still value personal liberty, however, is a good deal different here. In that context is the question either side has to answer now: How do you think you are going to protect anything you value, working within a two party system that is at least as broken, and dysfunctional, as the economic system that corrupted it? 

And the simple fact of the matter there is that you will never get what you want (true single payer. An absolute commitment to mobilizing the nation, mandatory national service, streamlining the Military etc.) by sticking with it; as in the stuff you'll need to do the heavy lifting it will take to both save us, and our ability to still have society, as well as save the planet. Let alone the free flow of information so that the individual has some semblance of a chance at "Informed Consent." Or that people could be allowed to congregate within the rules of their choosing, however offensive it might seem to some of the rest of us, as long as there was no direct harm to surrounding communities. And, as well, that the individual always has the ability to vote with their feet (and have the "Critical Social Logistics," means tested, public service utility to make that a reality).

No. Getting, at least some portion, of what either side wants now, is going to take a lot of negotiation, and compromise on both sides, so that a Grand Compromise, between the Right and the Left, can have a chance to come into being. And make no mistake. It will only be via a Grand Compromise that any change we might want to initiate, will have any chance of actually staying in effect long enough to do any lasting good.  J.V.]

[Post Note: The Terrible Mr. T. has some good news for you, and some bad news. 

The good news is that the big "Sell Off" was just a glitch. And he should know because he is so on top of the "Art of the Deal," after all. 

The bad news is that he is the "Glitch" epicenter. And as such, all bets are off as to whether we will be at one type of war, or another (as in a much more damaging versions of the economic, resource, or military, confrontations that are brewing now, much more briskly), with at least one nation, before this year is out. And precisely because of his "great grasp" of things, as his own defense of his campaign's election shenanigans have so amply demonstrated. 

Unfortunately, the very bad news might be in what kind of cornered animal he might become once House subpoenas, and Mueller's final reports, start setting up Constitutional crisis, after Constitutional crisis.

Has anyone considered the possibility that he might become so desperate as to do something to double down on his alleged selling out to Putin? Something like a very sneaky internal coup, from the top down, with Putin maybe getting to fly (on Presidential orders) in a bunch of extra, "special negotiators" for a Washington D.C. conference, supposedly for "better Russian, American relations," you see (or whatever else a clever imagination can come up with). Only these guys will be special infiltrators into key military, and DOJ positions, who will be perfect english speakers, and will have exactly the uniforms, and ID's, they need to look like the real thing. And if a sitting President tells somebody else in the government that they are what they appear to be, who might question it closely enough, before it was too late to keep them from doing a power grab that would have Putin in the catbird seat in Washington DC? 

And if you think that's a bit too, over the top, conspiratorial wise, just consider that the Ukrainians won't let any Russian young men into their country now precisely because of what such pretend, valid nationals, fighting for what Putin wants, and not what the Ukrainians want, already did to break their country up.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Could Implied Measurement Be Another Elemental Intent?

[Post Note: The "See Also" section here, at the bottom, has a review of what I believe are most of the posts associated with my alternative view of a Cosmological Model, as it exists as of this moment in time, including the Cosmolosophy Diagram. These are presented in a descending order from most recent, to last (except for the diagram itself). J.V.]

We can imply centripetal force after all. That tension along a vector perpendicular to the center of rotation that has to be implied because there is no actual thrust coming out of the object in question to create that tension; the angular momentum having to be translated in some fashion or another, to an ultimate net effect.

This is simply the implied measurement that must be in place so that, in an iterative system that must register specific state changes, at some sort of regular timing interval, a specific amount of change can be applied to the operating environment in which the system exists in, so that new state can be the input for the next experiential time step.

And could the implied measurement be thought of as taking place as a part of the meaningful connection that made having that interaction take place at all? The channel of the meaningful connection itself being not only the conveyor of information, but its own, implicit generator as well for what an amount, in various characterizations of course, that corresponds to an affective aspect the link just existing at all.

Then the question becomes: why should a person care?

I think it is because this adds a further element to thinking about a Cosmology where meaning (or gravity as others might call it) doesn't curve spacetime; it is just another field effect, Elemental Intent, that can be handled by field effect equations. And how you might ask?

Well, I think it goes like this: why does a satellite orbit around a planet, or an electron around a nucleus, and so on? With meaning curving spacetime, of course, we know why: the velocity of rotation around the larger object is not enough to overcome the attraction of the larger amount of meaning. But if meaning doesn't curve spacetime, what then?

What if the "Elemental Embrace" itself was the implied need to feel some sense of  the entanglement we all know now that measuring anything can impart. Does the measurement create the entanglement, and the entanglement create the attractive force? After all, how else would the system know that the orbital velocity was still not too much, or too little, to keep the orbiting in place as originally found in an arbitrary span of observation.

See Also:
The Cosmolosophy Diagram

A Conjecture On An Alternative Reason For Why Is Light Bent Around Massive Objects

A Conjecture On What Having A "Body Meaning Space" Component Might Mean

What Really Is Being Singled Out In A Singularity

Here's Another Conjecture For You

What Do Morphogenetic Fields, Viruses Sharing Plasmids In Hospital Sink Drains

The Minimum States That A Self Sustaining, Iterative, System Has To Have

Self Sustaining Iteration, And The Curvature Of Space Time