Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Power Of Cooperation Illustrated

As well as the power of trying to keep life as simple as possible.

The thing is here, you don't necessarily have to go to their lengths to keep it simple, if you just keep a sense of balance in mind. And you can still believe in whatever deity, or higher purpose you desire.

You just need to realize that every group sees things through a vastly different frame of reference. As such they will have come to understandings that will make absolutely no sense to you; just as what you have come to understand will make little sense to them. Which is why tolerance becomes so important on a very crowded planet. Tolerance that will give each belief system a chance to be able to go its own way (as a part of the "True Test").

Is that really so horrible a price to pay? To keep the planet alive? To keep a chance for all belief systems to not only flourish, but have a chance to go forth into infinity to see just how strong it is to survive on its own? Given the other alternatives that will happen to us all, as the planet becomes unlivable, it sure as hell doesn't seem like too big a price to me.


The coordination and effort it takes to build a barn is beautiful to watch.

See Also:
[Post Note: There is hope for change, as these two posts to follow clearly indicate. We just cannot let ourselves give in to the fear, or the hate. The only things we will achieve with them is a horrendously bloody end. J.V.]

Berlin takes a stand against fascism with its best beats.


After a student-led die-in, Publix is cancelling donations to a Florida gubernatorial candidate.

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