Monday, September 24, 2018

Understanding The Systems Necessity Of The Notion: "Humanity's Reach Must Always Exceed Its Grasp"

And maybe the best place to start is: How exactly do you do that?

For us, becoming Meaning Processors as we have, in this reality, I believe that it must be via a balance of both the strengths of "Mind Meaning Space," as well as the strengths of "Body Meaning Space." Which is simply to say that you have to use both objective logic, and that which transcends it. And you have to do that especially at survival pivot points like we are in now.

The question comes down to basically this: how do you get new, advanced primitives (or objects to start making new things from), if you can conceive only with what has come before. How do you come by this new "reach" if you do not let go of, in some sense, your absolute hold on the old.

In a further sense, then, how do you do the advancing, intuitive leap, without having faith that you might catch hold of a whole new level. Knowing all the while that you have to risk what lies in the "fallout" of what you've tried if you are wrong. And how is that not, also in a sense, working with transcending the current limits of your instrumentality, so that completely new kinds of instrumentality can be obtained. and the process begun anew.

I think we have the equivalent of reprogrammable neural logic circuits in the physiology of the "Body Meaning Space," of our bodies; which is certainly a huge expanse nerve tissue, and the receptors, and actuators, that this tissue is connected to; all of which is fed into the main info bus of our spinal cord, to our brain. If you are sensitive to what you feel from this side of things, and have trained yourself to be even more so, by various meditation techniques, you can become able to, in a way, open up the re imprint ability, so as to realign yourself to what impings on you in the most current moment of total system state. A process of letting go of your entire identity for awhile so that it can be given new kinds of entanglements, within so many levels of your being, and from around it as well. Something that I think not only gives you new information, from virtually anywhere in the Entirety, but also improves you somehow as well. A process I think that has been working on me for a long time now.

I understand this notion so much better now, seeing it from the standpoint of being necessary for an systems operation that wants ever more complex structure to evolve from whatever level of primitives you do get to start with. This in a system of evolving interaction, over time, with a specific set of interactive rules, of which the starting primitives, of course, must conform to with their defining parameters. which is, of course, a process I call "Experience Association;" done via a particular vector of a reality. With all of these infinite possible traceries, then, conducting the reality ray tracing that allows the entirety to somehow answer much bigger, iterative questions; or perhaps just the simplest, recurring, one of all: Does infinite potential still have meaning of any kind? And if it doesn't... Perhaps it will all...

Well, that's just speculation, isn't it. But then what I'm talking about is just an idea. Hopefully a useful one for a while. Until that better idea inevitably comes along. Because that's the whole point. To get to the next level of what can be structured. And if you do this via the path of balance, you have the possibility of doing it for a very, very long time indeed.

See Also:
[Post Note: To say that the Anthropic Principle is misunderstood, and considered outside of the proper context, is illustrated here in this piece from David P. Barash, biologist and professor of psychology emeritus at the University of Washington. And I think that's because most of science today sees it as a standalone idea in itself when, in my opinion, it is not.

The Anthropic principle, it seems to me, is something that has to be seen as a part of a larger, philosophical meaning system; which of course is exactly what I am proposing with Cosmolosphy. More specifically, it has to be seen as linked to the idea that the entirety is made up of infinite numbers of reality ray traces, each an example of life as the rules of that aggregating system allow (because we have an Entirety of infinite potential). And the point there is not that it create human life, necessarily, but that it create Meaning Processors, in one form or another. And if it happens to work with carbon based life, on an exceptionally well placed planet for carbon based life, then so be it. And as we are, in fact, the representatives of "Meaning Processors" for this reality, that makes being a Humanist only logical, and not arrogant at all.

The real problem is that, having had to evolve up from a huge number of organizational levels, for what constitutes a "living organism," on a carbon based system, and the competitional nature of nature, so as to select for the best system to survive, we have been encumbered with successive layers of information processing, via bio-electric systems of increasing complexity, culminating ultimately in a few upper layers that really got things going in the way of abstraction, and the beginnings of having memory, and the ability to utilize it to begin making ever more informed choices; because of all of that are we then subject to the past frailties of eaking out an existence as both prey and predator, in an often times cold, and unforgiving arena of already established, physical systems. Having to learn everything the hard way; thus establishing the "Economics of Scarcity" that would define us for many millennia to come. And it is from this old way of doing things that we must pivot, not only in how we operate externally in the physical world, but how we operate internally as well, for we must conceive of ourselves, and our place in the Cosmos, in a much different way now. And that is why I have been trying to introduce the idea of living a balance between all of the opposites we think are diametrically opposed, but for which balance can be obtained, difficult though that may be. J.V.]      

Anthropic arrogance

Self Sustaining Iteration, And The Curvature Of SpaceTime

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