And that is because it is only with Meaning Processors making the pivot from what they evolved from, to the new path of ever more informed, better choices driven expansion, of that ever more complex structure, that gives your particular reality the best chance of staying meaningful. At least, in my opinion, if they follow a path of ever ongoing, dynamic balance, between diametrically opposed opposites.
That is, of course, if you follow the idea of Cosmolosophy, and how it models the cosmos. And as ideas go, it's not so bad. And that's because it also allows for the possibility of a Higher Power as well, precisely because of that "diametrically opposed opposites" thing. It's something I think you ought to at least check out by digging into it a bit. You will find it interesting, if nothing else.
There is also the problem now, however, that we are getting ever more addicted to ever more encompassing, and controlling, media environments. One of these is VR certainly, and the holy grail of direct connection to the brain. And the other is just whatever, other delivery device, and experience channel, you get into because it's simply all you can afford, or its just the one that resonates for you. Whatever they might be, though, they are still a commodity/transaction linkaging, to get you enthralled, addicted, and Brand Identified, for the consumptive benefit of the provider's owner. And so, once captured, and in the owner's desired echo chamber of what reality should be now, why wouldn't you be a little more concerned about what is, and isn't real.
This is why, in the redefinition of what is work, in the revolutionary necessity for a new social operating system, there must also be a redefinition of a Democratic way to go about the social process of negotiating the ongoing agreement of "how things are currently." And from which we can then decide what our "most important priorities" are. Because that too is something that must be decided by the aggregate of individual choice. Which, hopefully, will become more informed at this level of doing structure, as much as with any of the larger frames of reference.
Which is why I had to have a philosophy to go along with my radical political change.
What If Reality Isn't Real?
The rise of the simulation theory tells us a lot about how we live now.
See Also:
Understanding The Systems Necessity Of The Notion -- ''Humanity's Reach Must Always Exceed Its Grasp''
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