Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Life is Completely, Woefully, And Destructively, Out Of Balance

And you all know it whether you want to admit it or not.

This lack of balance is why so many critical systems are either withering greatly now, or in the last stages of dying off completely. And if you are doing things to create this effect with living systems, you can be fairly sure that your objective systems, created of your own ability to forge function out of mind space meaning systems, powered not only by human toil, but by the brutal uncovering, and rape, of all of nature's meaningful relationships, will suffer as well; an uncovering, and rape, expressed quite succinctly I think in Jackson Brown's line, in the song, "After The Deluge," about the men (paraphrasing) who learned to forge Nature's beauty into power.

They could do this with a clear conscience of course because what is divine, and what isn't, were taken out of the hands of common folk, quite a while back by one of the most vicious, and far reaching, wars declared on seeing Nature as a divine process in, and of, itself. Because, of course, nature has always been identified with the Goddess, or Feminine aspect, of all life. A war that was fought both in the traditional sense, of men taking up arms, but also in the new sense of information war, as in rewriting history so as to completely reconfigure how we view the feminine creative force, but also whether we even see us as having the right in the first place to have a say in what should be divine, or not. But then, of course, it is always about power, and who gets to control it, isn't it.

But we do have that right. And it is long past time to start exercising it again.

And this does apply to you tech geeks out there, whether you understand that or not, and not just to religious scholars. You need only remember the dichotomy suggested in the "The Matrix" movie series between the "Oracal" and the "Architect," to see this old metaphorical conflict being retold for you. And the base fact of that being about wanting to end the war that had been going on for so long as suggested by the plot; through numerous repetitions in fact of coming to the same conclusion: that finding some sort of accommodation between, what I call Father Fortress, and Mother Earth, was the only way things were going to be able to progress any further.

The bottom line here is that we're going to have to find a way to get past that long ago war between the two, fundamentally different, ways of seeing divinity. Get past the horrible things done and move on because there is simply no other choice. We do this, and cooperate, or we die. All of us, and all of our belief systems with us. And I personally can't see how that is going to make either your favorite "Higher Power," or "Higher Purpose" very happy at all with you. And if you really are a believer than maybe it's time to at least reconsider peaceful coexistence. Because it sure seems to beat the alternative by a huge amount to me.

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