Friday, September 21, 2018

Branding -- The New Religion Of Purchased Belonging

Not feeling connected? Don't have a sense of purpose, or meaning?

Do not concern yourself. "Competitive Commoditization of Everything" will be there to welcome you into the new world of totally enveloping escape.

And all you have to believe in, really, is high fidelity, all encompassing, escape itself; after all, didn't some social commentator or another, a while back, say that religion was the opiate of the masses. Well now a very wealthy few can combine metaphors into one neat package of fully integrated addiction. Now they'll make Branded, Addictive Consumption a religion unto itself; one that will redefine "Piety and Profit" in a completely new way. Oh Happy Day.

And don't think this might be limited to only VR gaming.

What if the unscrupulous amongst the marketeers decided to try and make a new clothing fabric. One that, unbeknownst to you, or anybody else who might cause a ruckus about it, would act as a timed release, very subtly acting euphoric drug. A drug that would give you a bit of an up while the garment was worn. And also one that, in addition to being incredibly addicting, would last only, say for one, small, fashion season?

What about print on, circuitized tattoos, that do the same thing without your knowledge. Tattoos that would be the same brand logos you already have other addictions to.

And trust me, this list is limited only by your imagination, and your current knowledge of high tech.

This is the Brave New World of "Competitive Commoditization of Everything" will bring to you. Assuming, of course, that the planet doesn't do you in first, out of complete disgust, in addition to the fact that we've been killing her for some time now by our neglect.

Opioid crisis started 40 years ago, report argues

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