Wednesday, September 19, 2018

America Doesn’t Have to Be Like This

And yet it still is.

And after a lot of very thoughtful reflection. Much like the book described here, as well as the wonderful review, written by Ilana Masad.

What is one to say about this. Now that the planet is also on the line.

I think the key here is stated in this paragraph from Miss Masad's review:
"...Meanwhile, the ''lie factory,'' as some called Campaigns, Inc. was founded in 1933 by Clem Whitaker and Leone Baxter, who made politics a business: “No single development altered the workings of American democracy so wholly as the industry Whitaker and Baxter invented,” Lepore writes. In the 1934 California gubernatorial race, Campaigns, Inc. was hired by the author Upton Sinclair’s Republican rivals. Sinclair, having written novels in the past, was screwed by his creativity—Whitaker and Baxter printed quotes from his novels as if they were his own opinions, thus smearing his name..."
So basically here, in 1933, we had a very significant mile marker for the "Commoditization Of Everything." As in politics itself becoming a business, and voting results a new, hot commodity. So of course, eventually, a company would have to have the rights of a citizen, so that it could have the same freedom of speech, but not be encumbered much at all with any of the responsibilities that go with any of the freedoms this country was supposedly founded on. Oh happy day.

And please think this through carefully. Do you really think changing a law or two, here and there, while the outdated system, that made needing the laws changed, big time, in the first place, that still drives us forward, with the same corrupting momentum, that turned everything into just another commodity, and now roils on to destroy the very basis of life as we have evolved to know it; do you really think that we can still survive without getting rid of it?


America Doesn’t Have to Be Like This

See Also:

Hurricane Maria was a manmade disaster. Hundreds of families told us what really happened

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