Wednesday, December 27, 2017

What Is The Best Path For Stability For Sentient Species?

The best path for stability, and a never ending process of thoughtful, loving structure, creating even more complex, thoughtful, loving structure; that best path for sentient species is to always try and live the tension of finding balance between opposites. That thoughtful, loving meaning, will always depend on thoughtful, loving connection. After all, how can you maintain anything if you have so little meaning to begin with, or sense that you matter in the first place.

Sounds so obvious stated like that, but now it exists quite despite the current, dominant operating system of all of humanity, and even then, only at great sacrifice.

That is why I created Cosmolosophy. That is why it starts with the fundamental opposites of Mind, and the Elemental Embrace; and shows us how so much can be layered, metaphorically, on top of those; so that we can then see how important we are in having the unbelievable miracle of choice. Because if we truly are fundamental to the duality of energy, we may well have the ultimate choice of how energy expresses itself not only in our immediate physical reality, but perhaps quite beyond as well.


A meaningful conversation about a fracturing world must start with a deeper sense of why things grow and why things break.

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