Friday, April 6, 2018

Winter Never Ending Means We'll Be Pulling Cold From The Poles Like Never Before

Cold that won't be replaced.

If you do not understand what that means then we are far more screwed than just having a very bad geophysical situation going on here. That means the situation is going on and most of us aren't clued in at all.

If we lose the cold differentials at our poles we lose a very big part of why our oceans and our atmosphere circulate at all. Stop a big part of that circulation and you stop a big part of life on this planet. No wind. No ocean currents. Very little to keep things moving. Trust me when I tell you that you won't like it at all.

And yet so many of us do nothing at all about it. Other than Business as Usual. And isn't that just making things so much better on so many fronts. More trade war. More tensions over resources. And more rhetoric about who's the toughest badass on the block. Just when we ought to be trying to figure out how we going to go about cooperating to fix the planet.

So the question is: What are you going to do about it? Just sigh and resign yourself to doing nothing?


Happy 17th day of spring. Winter is never leaving, say the meteorologists.

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