Saturday, April 14, 2018

Just Like The Outdated Economic System That Created It, We Need To Start Over

Garbage in garbage out as they used to say. Start with a very bad, very out of date economic system, and then, in its later stages of decay, have it create a new information exchange for the world? Are you really that surprised that it would turn out this bad? Even knowing that it is electrified information itself, and what that has done to the foundations of Democracy, that has created so much of all of the problems we face today. And for the very simple reason that you can have an informed electorate, or you can have a controlled electorate, but you certainly can't have both.


Even those who designed our digital world are aghast at what they created. A breakdown of what went wrong — from the architects who built it.

See Also:
[Post Note: And finally, how are we to know much about those who influence the internet the most when they get to know more about us than we will ever get to know about them. Which puts us in the position of having to trust that these very powerful corporations will tell us things that we need to know. Things like Facebook now is probably be wishing people didn't have such complete info on. And certainly Facebook isn't the only player of import here. And if we also then vilify the leakers on a one size fits all methodology, what then? Nothing very good I would think. J.V.]

The Cupertino, California-based company said in a lengthy memo posted to its internal blog that it "caught 29 leakers," last year and noted that 12 of those were arrested.

[Post Note: Isn't it interesting to consider that, as one ponders why one is, well, let's consider fighting for a living first, year after year, and one is hoping for a deeper exploration as to the reasons for this, that the first thing one would need is a public forum in which a proper discussion could be carried out. And to do that of course one would also need a forum one could trust for a proper exploration of those reasons. And certainly this is related to workers in general now wondering what meaning they have in what they do, as very arbitrary, and often quite coldly logical (or illogical) markets make the decisions as to value, and worth, and meaning. The very kinds of things that tend to define the limits of our options before we even begin asking questions about what we can do about much of anything.

If, however, one cannot trust anything that comes down from any information source these days, because no one puts info out anymore without the expectation of getting more back in return for what was given out, then what chance do you think there is for anybody looker for real meaning to find it?

That's right, not very much.


After nearly 17 years of war, service members have seen plenty of patriotic displays but little public debate about why they're fighting.

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