Thursday, April 26, 2018

We Must Emulate The Assyrians

At least in part.

We must eschew single minded conquest of course, in favor of world wide cooperation; just as we must see the ultimate futility of violent oppression.  But their other traits of being successful, the ones that allowed them to work together, and prosper, are much to be admired.

The biggest difference between what I propose now, and what motivated them, in a multi level sense of meaning, and what ordered, and energized that meaning structure, is that they were pursuing what they thought of as a directive of a higher power. Notice, though, that even with that, did they also recognize the importance of process itself. These were undoubtedly bright people. They probably couldn't help themselves. And in that did they also, whether they were aware of it or not, acknowledge that a dichotomy exists between the notion that the entirety is indeed something that has to have both the pursuit for "A Higher Power," as well as "A Higher Purpose," as the two sides of the total thing that the entirety is.

If you can accept that then you also have to accept this: At least one of the big problems for the Assyrians was that their path was not a very well balanced one. To be sure, they also had some tough competition in the neighborhood too, to contend with, what with the Babylonians not so far away, but even so, you have to wonder what might have happened if the both of them had turned to a path of better balance. If they had then became a cooperating partnership in their region.

In any case, though, as the video makes clear, live by constant conquest, and forced expansion, die by the same thing once you bump up against a bigger fish than you. And we all know there's always a bigger fish (and think metaphorically there so as to include any, really big, new challenge) to come along at some point.

Our imbalance these days is to worship selfish, singular aggrandizement; manifested naturally in a variety of ways, and to ever new, staggering heights. That the planet is now getting ready to evict us, for the several hundred years we've been at egregious imbalance, ought not to go unnoticed in the review of this video. The question now is how will we "Innovate", Administrate", and redo a lot of physical, and social "Infrastructure" to meet this new, "bigger fish," of a problem? Do you seriously believe it will be done by just more "Business As Usual?" The very thing that got us to this point in the first place?

A Brief History Of The Assyrian Empire, One Of The Most Formidable Societies The World Has Ever Known

See Also:
[Post Note: Ok. I couldn't help myself. I just had to also include more of the latest example of how "Disruption" now has gotten out of all sense of balance. J.V.]

In a compact city known for experimentation, popular electric-powered devices are injuring toes, starting fights, prompting debates over regulation; ‘Wild West situation’

[Post Note: And if you needed any further evidence of our imbalance just check this new, growing, totally unnecessary, gouge being taken out of the lives of so many of us. J.V.]

The number of Americans with 90-minute-plus commutes, dubbed "super commuters" by researchers, is on the rise.

[Post Note: And let's not forget this classic on imbalance. J.V.]

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