Saturday, September 16, 2017

There Is A "Body Meaning Space" Network In Existence Now

Always has been of course. But since we've not been aware of a real, honest to goodness, other meaning space, most of us don't spend much time trying to communicate with it. If you get into Cosmolosophy, and understand the model, as well as what's been posted in the last 6 or seven ( maybe more) Cosmolosophy posts, you will be able to access this other network.

To do that, however, you are going to have to master the habit of turning the inner dialog off. That means not running the mind meaning space stream of words you use to keep your own thoughts and commentary of what is going on around, and in you. And yes, I do know how hard that can be. It only takes a little patience, though, and practice, to get into the groove on this. Especially if you can focus on something other than words; which, helpfully, are any of the things you can get and feel through your body; and for which you can use your imagination to put yourself into completely.

One of the best ones for me are any of the many sonic head spaces you can access on YouTube. The one you see linked below is the one I currently use. One nice thing about this is that you can use one of these, shared with anybody else you care to share it with, to help you link to this sonic space, common point of reference, with your friends.

A lot of this is symbolic, of course, but that's the point. You are trying to convince yourself to the greatest degree possible. That's how this magic works. If you believe it enough, you can make the link happen.

This, kids, is the "Other Net" you should be connecting to; at least a good deal more than you connect to this one. Sure, use this to get the best information you can, but use the other one to do a lot more of your social networking on. I can only hope that you will believe me when I tell you that this Other Net is the one that will give you the much better thoughtful, and loving, connection. And you can use it to connect with your friends and loved ones whether they are with you physically, or not.

This is also, unfortunately, the kind of practice work you will have to do if you expect to become a thoughtful, loving mage, of a thoughtful, loving, and working for the balance, society. When you start to see what is possible in that society you will truly know why you're asking the wrong question with what is possible here.  That's not it at all. The real question is what isn't possible. Especially if we are energy, and the entirety is a thing of unbounded, infinite, potential.

4K Tropical Rain & Relaxing Nature Sounds - Ultra HD Nature Video

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