Saturday, September 9, 2017

A Different Puzzle Piece, But Important None The Less

Let me be clear here when I say that this stuff just drops in on me, when it drops in, and it doesn't matter to the balance whether I understand where the new piece is supposed to fit; or that I get to have them in a sequencing order known only to the two of them (the elementals). As such, I'll get one, some of the stuff in it won't be exactly clear yet, even to me, and then, days or even weeks later, I'll get another and this one will make stuff from the last one much more clear, and not only that, it also then smacks me in the face with a new conclusion, or consequence, connection to the previous post, and x number of others. And wham bam, thank you ham, the two of them get something the balance feels is important out to the rest of you. And my understanding of things grows a little more.

Let me be clear that this may also be only pure fantasy on my part, and I might just be trying to suck you all into my delusion. Anything is possible. You really, really need to start rethinking your full, in the gut, as well as the head, take on this. Let us also be clear on the fact that, since anything is possible, magic itself is also not only possible, but a good deal more than just simply so.

That being said, this next bit of conclusion might seem a bit off of the more recent, sorta, theme, but it will be important to understand very soon. And I'm not exactly sure why yet, but I guess we'll see.

This is going to be a restatement of a fact that most biologists already know. It is a myth that we don't actually start out as female, but that it is true that the first 5 to 6 weeks of gestation, what is expressed first is female. and even though the structural info instantiated, then, is nominally interchangeable (I love modularity), in my sense of things from the balance, the fact that these are the female side of things, instantiations, that it still clearly puts the full, larger essence of where they came from, in the side of Mother Earth. And that, to me, says that there are now only one sex in the human race; a sex that has a woman with a vagina, and a woman with a penis; making the penis version just a woman variant.

And in this what may be confusing us, among other other things of course, is first, where does the idea of "Father," or "Mother" come from in the first place, and secondly, where does the idea of "Male" come from.

Another confusion, of course is that male, and father, then, have to be the same thing; which is nonsense. Male does not have to be connected with father at all. Any more than mother has to be connected to female.

How could this be otherwise when, in the very truest of sense, we are both female nurturers in significant part (because us penis variants are half the other), and where "nurturing" is so vast, and incalculable in how many ways it can be thoughtfully, and lovingly applied, how can you differentiate in that context at all; regardless of course whether you are a vagina, or penis variant.

Nature needed genetic mixing so sex was a forgone conclusion (if you wanted us to appear), but the entirety also has an energy duality to administer to so why not combine the two problems so that the meaning processors thus created can have a sense of where they came from. This is, in my opinion, why we have a kind of species memory of the basic notions of the father, and the mother, but notice here, this has nothing to do with parenting children as far as the entirety is concerned, or the two elementals. She only cares about individuals to the degree that they make that line of life more adaptable to change, as well as their willingness to sacrifice, and just keep procreating. And he only cares about creating more structure, rigidly in line with what has gone on before, and that some individuals have to be made superior to others so as to make for clear lines of command, control, and discipline.

The important part to remember in the above is that, in both of the two qualities I have described, for both sides of the divide, as far as who fills what role, is there no real indication that they require them be filled by what is either now associated with female, or male. Either is capable and, with the right nurturing to guide them, could do either if it was necessary. And do it equally well if they were both encouraged, to do both behaviors. Which again, is simply more application of balance.

The other part of this, certainly, is our quandary with gender preference and identity. Man, did we get our heads mixed up with that one. But then, given that this reality started from nothing but a singular frame of reference, and then associated, willy nilly, until it created not only planets, but life, and an unbelievable mix of it as well, finished off with a meaning processor who can make choices; in all of that did you expect that it would be left to something, automatically quite straightforward and simple? Not on your life.

As I feel it now I think it is just a very complicated throw of the dice. There are inertias (or delta-v's) involved of course; coming from all over the place. Some of it is from the preference/identity of the individuals involved in the conception; and perhaps there, even to the degree that they are, or are not, really involved at all. If you are just showing up for the team then, who knows? And who knows about a thousand gegillion gegillion other possibilities. Maybe even the idea of being "multipath," or not, could enter into it in just unbelievably crazy kinds of cross channel talk. And then there are these elemental tendencies themselves. These are not actual entities mind you, but they do represent very real tendency and defined purpose. These could be adding inertias (or delta-v's) of their own.

The important part, though, in my opinion, is that we simply have to get over this ludicrous idea that any mix of preference/identity, and whether you are a female with a vagina, or a female with a penis, is, or could ever be wrong, simply because of its existence. What the mix is, is irrelevant. It ought to be like asking what the mix of hair colors are. Who cares as long as the love is expressed with respect, and feeling, for both the individuals in the relationship, as well as their combination together with each other. Because with using the balance in that regard can you build good, caring societies, that become stable enough to begin creating the generational support structures (child to parent to grandparent, on and on) that starts to put real roots down for that society into the ground, and now up into the stars.

There is also one other thing here that I should mention as an important side note.

One of the reasons why I believe that the participants of conception might be involved in the preference/identity question is that it is my strong belief that we all give off a kind of sex EMP pulse at the moment of climax.

Most of us, ordinarily, are not tuned to receive less prominent analogue signals; the very ones, certainly, that we get from the Body Meaning Space side of things. If you make it your life's work to better develop those kinds of receptions, as well as make sense out of them, you might imagine that some better ability to do this sensing can develop. I can attest to you that this is indeed the case.

For as long as I can remember, it seems to me that women have always had the biggest of these pulses by far when they can achieve the full climax that they are capable of. I suspect there might be bias in this perception that gender is in any way a determining factor. Setting that aside, however, it is still quite true that a signal of some sort is given off. I mention this now because you ought to be clear on the fact that this energy is accessible and can be used to increase one's connection to one's partner. This is why the idea of Tantric Sex, and Tantric union in general came to be. In fact one old way of looking at what ritualized sex was in celebration of, say, Druid Tradition, was that they wanted to share a sex fantasy, with a very specific mindset for what the fantasy was about, with a lot of mythic connections to the ether and the real world, so that when they began to engage in it they did so with full believing intent.

Believe it or not, it may have been, in those olden days, on one occasion or another, that they didn't just then start the usual, (boring mostly in porn) varied couplings of ordinary human sex. No. They began the organized creation of a group, shared, self hypnosis, that put them in a position to have climax be equivalent to letting go of themselves; letting go of themselves as filtering identities so as to be without ego; knowing ahead of time that they would be coming, and falling into their deity, to be allowed to reintegrate in the cosmic womb, not only with each other, but with their deity as well. In that kind of connection one might be able to make a kind of EMP Sex bomb I think. A bomb, if it were powerful enough, that would make even the non believers go into an equal state of regenerative climax, and for a significant distance for the epicenter.

Just a possibility of course. A new conjecture on an old idea. Maybe magic is possible. Maybe it isn't. Maybe that conjecture is possible. Maybe it isn't. I guess we'll have to wait and see. You absolutely have to admit, though, that it is interesting as the idea of "Infinite Potential."

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