Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Rudes Of Vicissitudes

The rudes of vicissitudes,
totally of our own making,
for how can you
see any difference
differently when
everybody's faking,
for the baking
of their fantasy
into our brains.
The ones that burn
the branding
with social sugar coating
most demanding
so the herd doesn't notice
their new livestock standing.

For everything's a contest
of competitive commoditization
and zero sum
So you can sell
the other guy
on being sold out
and sucking on
the seduction
most addictively.

So marginalize
as a weapon
and target your deceptions
with total air
and wire waves
of message superiority.
So they can't
even understand
the hope
of shooting down
the lies that bomb
the shit out of reality.

And then
you can continue to sell them
on the rightness
of being something only
for sale in the first place.
And that wiring direct
to each and every lesser
will contain the answer
to all of a controller's fantasies.
And the controlled won't
know to be anything
but what they're programmed
to be.

And what marvelous
consumers they will all
come greatly
to be
when it finally ends
most disgustingly.
And only the controllers
will know the true
travesty. Such
a pity of wasted

Images for the definition of vicissitudes

Images for Marginalization as a Weapon

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