I would also like to think that it provides some much needed contrast to what I am proposing with Cosmolosophy (where we work together to try and negotiate the balance between opposites: as in "The One, And the Many;" "Yin and Yang;" "Light and Dark;" "Being and Becoming;" a "Higher Power;" and a "Higher Purpose;" etc., etc.).
You do have to give them some credit, though, for not trying to pretty up the brand; even if it wasn't necessarily intentional (if they can't be good, at least let them be very unlucky). "Dark Enlightenment" indeed.
What also might not be clear here, however, is just how much the change in our "instrumentality," or the extensions of our various faculties, as Marshal McLuhan used to say, has had on the power of ideas now. And this might not be clear precisely because it is so obvious; and all too pervasive, around, and through us (because the medium is also the message, as much as any content is).
We already had the "Power of Positive" thinking crowd before, of course, but now the notion that "anything is possible," if you just believe in it enough, and are willing to do "whatever it takes," to make it happen, gets amplified like never before. Because now, if you do not think it also possible, that you might actually be wrong, you do have the means to lay waste to not only entire ecosystems, but to to the very fabric of what we thought humanity ought to be defined within; so that creation must always be destruction, and nothing else, and that light must be extinguished, because there can be no contrast allowed here to begin with, and no differences. As all must conform to the one vision of truth now to, supposedly, reign forevermore.
All of this ought to serve to indicate just how powerful, and scary, any idea can be now. It is certainly why I have been so adamant about the fact that I am not willing to do whatever it takes to make what I am proposing come about. And I can say that because no one is more clear on just how possible it is that I am wrong (even as I also think my viewpoint is still the more likely, with the evidence I currently possess).
This is also why I refuse to do very much more than what I feel is the delivery of professional output; output I spent over 25 years honing. Not wanting to be too much of one simply trying to sell something for quick personal gain; an extension of the notion that I abhor the hard sell to begin with anyway, and have written on the fact that I believe it is immoral. Something that I think, certainly, should be the case if you say you want to get rid of commercialized thinking, and start back on what is "really needed" thinking; in human terms; and then how do we go about, reasonably, and with feeling, making it happen. Always respecting the reality that it will only be by continued negotiation of opposing views, that we will have any chance to survive what is coming to challenge us now. And that is, of course, one angry plant. And a chaos pot full of angry living things that have lost sight of balance.
And if you want any more contrast between me and them, just check out the music that such extreme groups play, as opposed to others. As in: do you think the "Dark Enlightenment" crowd would listen to Randy Travis singing "Point of Light;" Jesse Colin Young singing "Light Shine;" Lynyrd Skynyrd doing "Simple Man;" or Mike and the Mechanics, for that matter, singing "The Living Years?" And needing to sing these songs precisely because that is what helps make it be possible for you to have the hope it takes to keep going? As opposed to mere lust, envy, or other outrageously exposed hungers. As such, I would like to think that it matters that you understand the intents, and feelings, of these songs. But whether you do, or don't, though, we still have to get along if we want to go on living at all. And that is what we are going to have to figure out.
The referenced article quick list:
1:Here’s the Dark Enlightenment Explainer You Never Wanted
2:Intellectual humility: the importance of knowing you might be wrong
4:Veteran NBC News Reporter Resigns, Says Network 'Could No Longer Keep Up With The World'
5:Seduction, Inc
Here’s the Dark Enlightenment Explainer You Never Wanted
Intellectual humility: the importance of knowing you might be wrong
Veteran NBC News Reporter Resigns, Says Network 'Could No Longer Keep Up With The World'
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