Saturday, November 17, 2018

A Conjecture On An Alternative Reason For Why Is Light Bent Around Massive Objects

[Post Change Note:

Well... I certainly had to come back and make some changes here, didn't I.

Let us start:

1: I no longer feel the need to leave this conjecture in the "Really Tentative" category. As such I have removed that from the title.

2: I have also slightly changed the first sentence of the post.

3: Changing paragraph five below. I really screwed the light thing up here. Light can't be the pure, repelly thing one moment, and then something that can't escape the next, inside a black hole. Whoops. My bad.

I am changing the sentence fragment: "because not even light can escape precisely because of the mass being so attractive." to the following: "because no information can be imparted any longer in our direct experience of "Physical Meaning Space;" which is our base point when you think of scales of consideration."


We all know the usual reason why light bends, of course, if we take the view of General Relativity. Spacetime is curved by massive objects. So obviously light must follow the bends -- so to speak, as other, less massive objects must, in their own way.

What if gravity, though, weren't depressing anything. What if gravity was merely another elemental effect like magnetic North, and South; in essence being another "field effect" process, subject to the similar kinds of field effect equations. And within that case, the elemental effect intended then being the need of meaningful things to be attracted to other meaningful things.

The problem there, though, is that you then need to come up with another way to explain why light does what it does. So what is a budding Cosmologist to do?

Well... How about this: What if you took the view that gravity works in an opposite fashion to magnetism, in that its elemental effect says to be attracted to other meaningful things, but to avoid those that aren't yet meaningful, whereas magnetism says that opposite orientations attract, and like orientations repel. Light though, as McLuhan used to say, is pure information. There is no set meaning in it until is manipulated, either as photons, or as wave forms, so as to impart information into it. And of course, happy to say, how else could it be manipulated, meaningfully, if not by a meaning processor, of some sort.

But then we have to also face the problem of what a Black Hole is, even though it is not a hole at all, and only appears black because no information can be imparted any longer in our direct experience of "Physical Meaning Space;" which is our base point when you think of scales of consideration.

Could all of the observed effects of a mass singularity be because of the time dilation effects? As in things are happening at such an increased differential between inside the portal, and outside, that proper state change in local space time cannot be properly interpreted because new changes occur inside before the last changes have been fully realized creating state change interference patterns

And we have the time differential because more closely packed, meaningful interactions, create their own, localized set of overlapping quantum entanglements, with everything locally interacting with everything locally, as vastly integrated, complex systems will do; creating a kind of internally cascading effect of imploding iteration sets.

So let's review. Mass is structure: Things that have come together because there can be no meaning between isolated, individual, primitive bits, without the juxtaposition of elements, across a gap that has to be bridged (remember, the "Elemental Embrace" demands that that things come together, and exchange), by the very fact of the energy created by the shared connection; the connection itself creating the gap penetrating channel for which the interlink then stays entangled.

More structure automatically entails more meaning, even if it is only the most basic meaning of friction itself, or the inherent imperfection of all systems in generating waste energy; that then channels itself out as various forms of light; which of itself is meaningful only as a indication of a point source of origin. of a particular type. Meaningful modulation of light, over time, cannot happen merely by random experience association. You must first have a meaning processor do experience association itself so that it can create, and hold on to, Mind meaning space, and Body meaning space, constructs, to create the "objectifications" necessary so that information can then be created, and passed, by experience informed choice.

I know this might be a real stretch (not to bend too much of your credibility space time), but what do you think anyway?

See Also:
[Post Note: If you do not have to worry about gravity curving spacetime, couldn't you then just have everything be of, and about, quantum foam, but just organized, and realized, along different vectors of experience association? By different singular groups of  many different meaning processors? Certainly something intriguing to think about, though, isn't it? J.V.]

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