Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Things We Do To Ourselves

[Post Note: I have added the following:

  1, The new "See Also" link below to: 4 professional women on making ends meet in the most expensive U.S. cities


Because we've had so much BS pumped into our heads. Because nothing is quite as sell worthy like having a person with a lot of BS in their head. As well as not having a great deal of impulse restraint, in their upbringing, be emphasized much either. You know, to go along with a lack of the ability to do critical thinking in the first place, much less be able to articulate that thinking. Because, of course, people like that are precisely too prone to be asking critical questions, demanding information that is just too precious to part with ("My precious!" indeed, as Gollum would say).

Case in point for the moment: Women now being made to believe that they must "Bleach" parts of their labia.

This does, certainly, follow a thread already well wound out, with branching threads as well. Something I have posted in the past as it relates to how our sense of body image has been made to be ever more ridiculous; illustrated quite well by a health professional of some sort, if memory serves, using the evolution of Barbie and Ken, and GI Joe dolls, and how they changed in form, to show this development only too well.

For women, it seems to me, the terrible thing has been related to how cars, and their shapes, may have evolved, because of the obvious marketing potential, to representing them as an extension of a woman's body, in more than a few aspects; far in excess, certainly, of any sort of aerodynamic molding. This was terrible, both in relation to how having a woman's body as a fast, play thing, for status aggrandizement, is bad enough to begin with, but the problem exacerbates when, after a while, the standard warps over, and now woman think they need to keep matching up to the sleek surface renditionings of such status objects, so as to be just as status capable.

You need only observe what the TV standard for a woman to be a "personality," of any branding worth, has to be now, to see this in action; as in you must not have even pores show, on faces that look like they came fresh out of a car body shop; so perfectly smooth, and airbrushed to just the right shade of skin glow. And of course this would also have to extend to all of the body accessories as well; breasts, teeth, stomach, butt, and vagina. As if body shaming wasn't bad enough already, now, that any danglies that interrupt the perfect curves, are so supposedly unsightly, you have to do ridiculously unnecessary surgery on your labia to make what is already something as close to perfect, in the sense of both form and function, as nature ever gets. But that, of course, was already the case with the rest of your supposed naughty bits (but not so naughty as to not be plastered over everything, synonymously with the idea of buy me).

Us guys are in the thick of this too, now, though. Make no mistake. And it is already adding in, perhaps a great deal more than we realize, to the general angst that a lot of men feel for not being able to measure up, commercially to begin with (because value in a community has been taken out of our hands), but then to add what now can only be called the "Hero's" body; at least as the entertainment industry has gotten it all pumped up to be; equally ridiculously over inflated with muscle, but also so sucked out of fat as to be quite nearly lethal; all posited around exercise not as a means to a healthy, balanced life, with healthy muscle tone, but as a new religion; a religion that will take the idea of the Nichian "Superman" to even more disastrous results; with very little allowance being even considered for any counter balancing internalization of the idea that "strength" should be about so much more than just what big biceps are supposed to imply; as in strength of character, strength of heart, or strength of purpose, to name but a few (the actors who do this should be noteworthy not because of the hero's antics on screen, but because of the discipline they have to apply to life to be able to present themselves in this fashion, in the first place).

The bottom line for women here, however, is both simple and complicated. Simple in the fact that, sooner or later, woman are going to have to become some of our most ardent revolutionaries. Complicated because, ironically, you must first stop some wheels from turning at all (with all the forms of peaceful civil disobedience you can muster, not the least of which being work stoppages, en masse), in order to seize the power you will need to take back full control of not only your bodies, in a physical sense, but your very persona as something that expresses a good deal more than an implied impulse to buy. Or that, conversely, personas should be something that can be bought at all in the first place, and used as it pleases those who can pay whatever price; along with its implied, newly redefined, functionality.

The referenced article quick list:

1:The dangerous rise of vaginal lightening

2:Women make up just 11 percent of the highest paid jobs in corporate America

3:Catalyst -- Women In Management Report

4:'Kids are falling off': Why fewer children have health insurance now

5:The language of capitalism isn’t just annoying, it’s dangerous

The dangerous rise of vaginal lightening

[Post Note: Don't think these aren't related, because they most certainly are, not only because they don't want to lose a big money maker, but also because the men involved just aren't ever going to see you any other way now, in my opinion; so steeped, and entrenched, in Capitalistic, dominance, and the rights of supposed, personal, manifest destiny, sorts of thinking, as they are. And also because Capitalism is just so extra mutated now because of the effects of electric amplification of all of our faculties; especially as it relates to just how much excess can happen when ever more, high fidelity fantasies, are a hot commodity, in another gowing new market. J.V.]

Women make up just 11 percent of the highest paid jobs in corporate America

Catalyst -- Women In Management Report

[Post Note: And this applies too because you know who gets stuck with single parenthood the most. Just as you know that such "Bleeding Heart" Liberal issues are the "soft headed" thinking in the minds of the same Capitalist mentality that would make money off your persona, however, and not think twice of the incongruity of that exploitation, against their unwillingness to be taxed to support anything "social" oriented at all. Or so it would seem at least, with the way the react at all to taxes of any kind. J.V.]

'Kids are falling off': Why fewer children have health insurance now

The language of capitalism isn’t just annoying, it’s dangerous

See Also:

4 professional women on making ends meet in the most expensive U.S. cities

[Post Note: There have been two posts that I've done on the idea of our personas being taken away from us, to be used as commercial necessity requires, and the both started from watching this movie. You should check it out because it is quite an eye opener. The posts involved here aren't too bad either, though the first one is a bit long. Learning to edit better has been a long, and continuing, struggle. J.V.]
Meaning, Connection and Mind. The Foundation for Thoughtful, Loving Structure

Further Thoughts on Persona, Fame, and What we Display of Ourselves 

Male Body Image - GI Joe 60's to 90's

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