Monday, December 10, 2018

The Real Takeaway From This Ought To Have Been About The "Distortion Fields" That Mr. Lazar Got To Examine

I do not spend a lot of time worrying about whether there are true Extraterrestrials, or not. It is certainly possible; with a significant probability. The possibility that folks here, at one time or another, have had interactions with them, is also a significant probability. After that, though, I just don't care. And this is for a very simple reason:

If they are out there, and whether they originate from this reality, or not, they most certainly haven't shown any interest in helping us. As such, I think we have a lot bigger fish to fry right now, as far as priority triage goes (because we absolutely have that many priorities demanding our attention).

You can speculate on all sorts of reasons for their seeming lack of interest, certainly. Most likely, it would seem to me, because they know exactly how crazy we've become and so want nothing to do with us; a sensible attitude, if you give it any rational thought; understanding that, giving it consideration within any kind of emotional logic, might be quite a bit more probabilistic, even than our rational logic matching to anything they might have for same.

It could also be that they have seen this fragile state, of a recently made sentient (by their reconing you see) species, now at a majorly critical point in their development, before. And they have come to the conclusion that each species must find their own way through this crisis; a form of the "Prime Directive," if you will, but not necessarily nearly so knoble. It might be that they won't need to ever be worried about us if we just fail this test. Or, conversely, if you can't figure this out on your own, how could we possibly depend on you for anything even approaching mutually beneficial arrangements? But who knows, right?

That speculation aside, you do also have to wonder if the small spacecraft still exist, if, in fact they ever did (which I think is credible, given the personal impression I got from the documentary that Mr. Lazar was featured in). As well as to wonder how such a secret could be kept secret for so long; given how even nuclear weapons themselves haven't always that well kept track of in the past few decades.

So, at first blush, it definitely begs credulity, at least to some degree, but I wouldn't waste too many brain cells on the whys of that; for the same "bigger fish to fry" reasons already stated. At least for now.

Be that as it may, though, I am still left quite intrigued by what (Dr,?) Lazar was suggesting was being done by the anti gravity tech contained with the craft he was allowed to examine; being quite specific about it being able to generate distortion fields of some sort, which really resonated with me. The feeling of that word "distortion" used here just makes a lot of gut sense to me, I'm telling ya.

What if we were to suppose that these kinds of "distortion fields" were indeed creatable? Do we only have the fields we already know about, to work with here? And might those be quite adequate enough, if we have them interact in the right new ways, so as to create these kinds of distortions?

Isn't that, in a sense, the very metaphorical intent of the mammoth, nested, and spinning, rings in Carl Sagan's "Contact?" Spinning on axis aligned along different angles relative to each other?

Consider this for instance: What if those rings were really a set of circular, linear accelerators. And what if they were allowed to accelerate either one contiguous mass, or a distribution of smaller masses, to significant percentages of the speed of light (with there also, perhaps, being speed differences so as to create different time dilation aspects). As such, forgetting, for the moment, what keeps these rings from flying apart, one has to wonder what would occur, because, at the very least, you would have very large, relativistic masses, creating the same "Frame Shear" forces, association with accretion disks, that would then interact around different spin orientations. In the case of "Contact," of course, to suggest that a singularity, of some ilk, might form through which a wormhole, also of some ilk, might also be formed. One that could instantly transpose one from one point in space to any other point in space (cool subjective experience, of course, being a complete toss-up as to whether it was just a field induced delusion, or actual experience, of something quite transcendent, or combinations of both).

And if it isn't spinning, relativistic masses, could it be that impossible space drive that NASA is still funding is the distortion field generator? It certainly seems a bit more like anti gravity. But this only serves to beg the question as to what else might create useable field distortions of this magnitude, and seemingly magical effect?

There is supposed to be a Graviton, after all. Could you ever create a Gasser (would you also have to create a virtual, "Zero Point" module, to power it)? As in the effective equivalent of a gravity laser? If you could do that couldn't you also create a whole new class of coherent energy emmination, interference effect? As in a new kind of holographic manipulation of space time. Only in this instance where the meaning in the interference might be tuned somehow to either negative, or positive?

We do have bigger fish to fry, but I never let that stop from always trying to dream up wonderful new possibilities. It is just one more of the kinds of things that help give me hope for the future. And let me just say that I still have hope for the future because I can see the possibilities for getting ourselves out of the mess we're in. I think you could too if you gave it a chance. And just think. If we pull this miracle I claim is possible off, maybe the good guys from elsewhere will want to make common cause, and the bad guys will maybe now want to think twice. Just sayin.

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what is frame shear as it relates to astrophysics

Gravitons and Gassers

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