Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Bigger Contrast That Should Be Involved Here, When You Look At This Guy

It relates to an experiment that was conducted on monkeys. This had to be at least four or five decades ago at least.

The experiment involved simply wanting to see what difference there would be when monkeys have various kinds of limited social interaction; and we're talking about real body contact social interaction here because primates are just naturally, physically contact oriented, with each other as a subgroup of mammals; and with this varied deprivation conducted over the actual, formative years of the monkey, from infant, to near adult.

As you might imagine now, the results were as strikingly heartbreaking, as they were informative, as to just how important such basic upbringing contact was. And, as I think back on that, I also think, looking at this guy, that he's a terrifying, warped expression, of what a whole lot of integral, meaningful physical, and mental contact, gone missing, can leave a supposed human being with. And when you look at that, you also have to understand that we all, as a society, have at least some responsibility for the fact that we seem to be producing more such, "missing a lot," individuals.

And we have to remember now, that this is both because coming to a consensus on anything is hard enough these days, let alone a consensus on how you would ever go about creating a better way to socialize our men, as well as our women.

As well as to remember that, even as we try to keep these very difficult issues at the forefront, we must also answer what ought to be planetary wide klaxon horns; blaring out over every vicinity, at ear bleeding decibels. "We are killing our living biom. We are killing the miracle that billions of years of evolution took to create; as well as many thousands of years of suffering, and deprivation, us ultimate meaning processors had to go through, to give thought, as well as heart, a chance to be involved in the further miracle of choice itself."

And now that miracle of choice. And that miracle of life that created the possibility of choice makers in the first place, is in your hands. All of your hands. Each and every one of you out there in the infosphere, or wherever else. What will you do with it?

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Over the last 20 years, that two-degree threshold has been referenced in policies and agreements made by the Council of the European Union, the G8 (now the G7), and more. So what makes two degrees so important?


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