Tuesday, February 13, 2018

As I Have Said Before, There Is A Charismatic Expressive Out There For Every Group

And a way for them to manipulate quite specific to that group.

We are all susceptible and so we must all be vigilant.

That's not so say that Charismatic Expressives don't have a part to play in life, because they do. It's just to say that they, and us, ought to be a great deal more careful on how far they take what they express, as well as how they go about the expression, and from that, what they demand in return for it, because that's usually, but not always, the bottom line.

The Punk Rock Church That Could Be a Cult

See Also:
[Post Note: Another individual for which to ask more questions of of. J.V.]

Warren Buffett should not be celebrated as an avatar of American capitalism; he should be decried as a prime example of its failure.

[Post Note: As I have already said, a lot depends on not only what a particular Charismatic wants to do, and how he wants to do it, but also on what he expects to demand in return. Certainly, efficiency, in and of itself, can be a good thing, but what is the larger context in which this supposed efficiency is being presented? What is the long term purpose for which this supposed efficiency is meant to serve?  J.V.]

Is Amazon's plan to increase our efficiency a good thing?

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