Monday, November 27, 2017

Environmental Instability Leads To Political And Economic Instability, Which Leads To Social Instability, Which Leads To More Environmental Instability

Not necessarily in that order of course, but you get the idea. And we have to be clear here that by environmental we are being very inclusive as to the multi layered matrix of natural systems, and human made systems.

And the human toll only climbs as those who have the means to effect these different systems continue to pretend that, no matter how our ability to do things changes, we can carry on with the economic operating model that is responsible for so much of the over all systems damage in the first place, environment wide, over the last several hundred years of its existence. The very, several hundred year model, that is now so mutated and monstrous. Quite destructively monstrous. We cannot continue to rely on it precisely because to do so will kill very large numbers of us at the very least, before some kind of new equilibrium is found; or will more likely kill our species out entirely as the unchecked, mean temperature rise, makes human life, at least, quite impossible.

15,200 children arrive in Europe on own as migrant crisis deepens

See Also:


Boko Haram, climate change, predatory armies, and extreme hunger are converging on a marginalized population in Central Africa.

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