Saturday, February 14, 2015

Getting tangled up in cause and time affect

The following post was prompted by the article linked below.

The tension between the deterministic reality Einstein formulated in General Relativity, and the indeterminate characteristics of quantum wave theory have always fascinated me, despite the fact that I am an idiot when it comes to understanding the math. So you are entirely justified in being skeptical of what follows here.

Perhaps the only positive note is that, being outside the expertise of physics, I can keep asking the dumb questions on the hopes that I might get lucky.

The article in question here offers the results of new experimentation that seems to strongly suggest that the "epistemic interpretation" that Einstein hoped for just isn't to escape
the need to accommodate the non epistemic nature of quantum wave theory. Which, I have to admit, is wonderful for someone who likes to have at least some small empirical link to the mysterious.

In any case, though, one of the thoughts expressed by the article's author as to how to get General Relativity and quantum wave theory to live together would be " reconsider assumptions of the framework used to derive the theorems, perhaps by introducing backwards-in-time causality or parallel universes..."

This reminded me of a question I had had regarding quantum entanglement and Relativity. The question was expressed as another thought experiment.

Suppose you could entangle, say, two quanta of light, separate them in such a manner as to keep them in their originating, entangled state, and then put one into a space craft capable of some significant percentage of the speed of light. And say further that you then had that craft seed off for ten years of ship board relative time. Whereupon you immediately changed the state of the ship's photon. Would the earth side photon change its state relative to ship time or to earth time? And if the answer was the former alternative would that suggest an outside of time dimension, or something else completely? And if its the latter alternative, what would that do to quantum theory?

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