Thursday, March 26, 2020

Potted Frogs, And Slippery Slopes

So you think
you can cope
with the slippery
of slopes, but what
about the hot
that comes to a frog
in a slow
change pot
(I'm alluding to our planet here;
 as to what we putting
 the hot spots to,
 just to be clear,
 so don't be a bore
 and go to the store
 and by a frog
 to put in a pot
 because this is a metaphor
 I implore -- J.V.)?

And now that the hot
change is coming faster
than what's not
electrified down,
and automated up,
being undercut,
disrupted, and absorbed,
where do you jump to?
Especially when we don't
make anything
important here anymore
and you have to see,
with cost crossed eyes,
if you can even afford
to buy common ground,
or the voices to describe it,
to make anything worth
trying to make your last
stand on.

Can you learn
the secret of the Mountain?
Knowing what
to let go
of and when
it's time to take
hold of a reach
that exceeds
your grasp, in a leap
of faith, taking
the risk of falling
for something that has real
meaning, from real
meaningful connections.
Thoughtfully Loving and
Lovingly Thoughtful,
in the hard,
giving as much as you take,
process of negotiating
dynamic balance. Because
that's where the meaning
grows from.
Because if life gives us feces
it's time to find a way
to turn it into fertilizer;
no matter how much
it stinks for everyone,
because we also really need
to be sharing
a lot more of everything.
Don't you think?

Images of the parable of the frog that doesn't know to jump from a slowly rising hot cook pot

Images of the notion of the slippery slope

See Also:
[Post Note: I have included this link because I think it is a beautiful expression of what we are finding out about not only "Dynamic Balance" in nature, but also as a reminder of just how divine a process, living systems are, and that they must, in my opinion at least, represent a true "Higher Purpose;" as I think it applies, in the context of complex systems being able to always come up with ever more levels of complex objects (which are simply other processes at another scale of consideration), creating new, ever more meaningful connections, so that ever more complex levels can be achieved; within an Entirety, of course, of infinite potential. Something that I think is worth real sacrifice in order to save. J.V.]

Life’s little oscillations

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