Thursday, January 24, 2019

Here's A Useful Bunch Of Juxtapositions For You

Can you see how they call out for a lot of useful questions; especially as it regards philosophies, and what one thinks of when we talk about how we do Social House Hold?

I, of course, would like to think that my new philosophy was born of absolutely requiring it to be useful. I do not think I would have survived to this point if it were not. And that is because I grew up as a strictly working class kid (with no four year schooling degree, just two junior college stints). Someone who's main inheritance from his folks was the collateral damage that the Great Depression wrought on both of them. Something the "after WW2 prosperity" only covered up for a while. Once the rest of the world got back on its feet, and we led the way into full on, global economic competition.

That might have been manageable if it weren't also for the fact of the Information Revolution to also have become a fact of global life. Doubled, and redoubled, with Moore's Law, forcing the growing realization of just how critical, getting, holding, and using, by whatever means, information better than the other guy, was paramount to economic survival on a fundamental basis.

As such, you can see why information is now so coveted. For not only is it money itself now, as the ones and zeros, of all the financial servers of the world, it is also the means to manipulate towards your requirements for how things should be in the world.

Naturally, if you have a lot of counters to protect the value of, in all sorts of those financial servers, it is quite useful to take those actions necessary to preserve any status quo that might facilitate that value protection.

Is it really so useful for the rest of us working folks, though, if money, any more, is just something that gets in the way of actually getting anything useful done, in terms of real, living, human value? Especially now that automation could be used to our benefit, and not as something to take our livelihoods away from us? Assuming, of course, that we were ready to accept full responsibility for ourselves, and realize that we must redefine what work should be, in order to have human useful communities.

And, finally, how useful is it for a biome, as a whole, to continue to tolerate one component of itself, to act in direct contravention of all of the norms that keep that living system, again, as a whole, functioning as the integrated thing it has been for most of its existence?

Why Taxing the Bejesus Out of the Rich Might Be Useful, Even if It Doesn’t Actually Raise Much Money

Philosophy must be useful

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