Why don't you start with this:
Everything Is A Self Sustaining, Iterative Process, of one form or another.
What does that really mean?
That meaning itself must be involved, in the sustaining, process dependant interactions, of the complete cycle, for why else would the connection hold, in order for the mediation, or exchange, of the interactions to take place, in the first place? In this, Meaning is the attractive force that calls out to other, sustained collections, of meaning.
In this also, however, are two other factors.
First that it must be iterative, in arbitrary frames of reference, so that state change can be applied, within that limited scope of, no matter what scale that might be. State change that must take place so that, as the result set of that narrow context is realized, into the totality of its context fabric, it can then become the new input for the next iteration to take place.
And secondly that, at some point, meaning processors, of some form, must also arise, as system object effectors, so that ever more informed, and properly channeled (as in most effectively integrated), choice can be part of the new, ever more complex, matrix of sub processes, within the overall, always aggregating, iterative collective. Choice that is then able to discern the more meaningful connections with which to create more, higher order, interactive, self sustaining iterators, with; and thus begin the cycle again.
And this must be so because, if more informed choices aren't utilized, the advancement in structural capability will either a; peter out and result in less differential (without those new, higher order, processing objects) with which to create any new meanings with at all, or b: the new ability (from the higher order objects), used without informed choice, will prove to be too much change (as in destructive) for the iterative system to sustain existing meaningful connections with at all, much thus the sufficient stability to create more "good choice makers".
This is, as well, where you have to reiterate that this takes place for everything, at every scale of reference. Keeping in mind that the infinite array of branching, reality ray tracings, is all semi permeable, and always leaking stuff across matrices of cascade, and counter cascade, endlessly, pushing entanglements we are only beginning to imagine now.
Self Sustaining, Iterative Process
See Also:
Could Implied Measurement Be Another Elemental Intent
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