Two dissimilar things.
Therefore, difference itself must be an elemental intent all its own.
And how could it be otherwise when everything is, at all points of when, always about the mediation between all the increments of variation itself; all the way to the point of complete opposites; the very essence of all of the metaphors concerning being and becoming; light and dark; yin and yang; the one, and the many; etc., etc, because there must, necessarily, be meaning processors involved, each with their own points of meaning processing, and thus, frames of reference.
And isn't it interesting how meaning, and meaningful connection, can then come into this frame of reference, as the successful result of that, ever ongoing, process of mediation.
That this, then, also creates the possibility of more. aggregates of different, only provides the proof of its ability to be self sustaining, and of course requiring of further successful mediation to continue anew.
It is then, in my view of this new way of explaining things, that seeking ever dynamic balance, between whatever the variations are, in the always ongoing now, of change, provides the highest probability in finding the sweet spot of just enough continuing difference to not overwhelm the current carrying capacity of change mediation, and but not so little as to let the hole thing just grind to a halt of no difference at all.
In this sweet spot of best mediated change is the further possibility of ever more complex structure to be created so as to be able to create difference on ever more complex levels of objectification, to begin expressing the cycle again with, in fundamentally new ways.
Images For The Metaphysics Of Boundaries
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