Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Same Thing That Is Killing The Planet

A mutated, toxic, and hopelessly outdated, economic system, that demands sole authority over value, and meaning, for most things and, at the same time, takes the ability of working people to decide what is meaningful, and valuable, or not, out of their hands altogether.

And in this currently, men in general, but white men in particular, are also suffering from not being able to connect to their full emotional identity, because, in my opinion, we have made the feminine aspect of ourselves, which is profound, to be always untrustworthy; something that started a long time ago, and for which humanity has paid a terrible price for, over quite a few centuries now. This disconnect, tied to the abstracting influence of Capitalism gone mad, has created the kind of personality that allows someone to want, and do, to the exclusion of all other moral, or healthy systems, considerations, other than that one person's own sense of self entitlement.

So not only is this the age of "The Absurdity Of Growing Up" (because the selfish few want impulsive, easily manipulated children), to have as their traditional cannon fodder (because wars are so profitable), it is also the age of "The New Economic Cannon Fodder"; the type where you need disposable workers as an economic check against the purveyors of automation, to prevent them from having you by the balls for ways to make things you want.

And then there is still the pesky problem of who will buy the stupid shit you make, to keep the whole sick mess going. Another contradiction they haven't quite worked out yet, but maybe the robots could do that as well. Who knows. Right? More importantly, though, who really wants to know if that horrible conclusion could actually work, let alone actually having to live the horror to find out.

What's Killing America's White Men? BBC News

See Also:


Gallup data says our emotions hit a decade-low in 2017. Here's what psychologists say we should do about it.

What billionaires want -- the secret influence of America’s 100 richest

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