Sunday, November 4, 2018

Do You Suppose This Might Have Been What Hari Seldon Really Had In Mind With the Science "Psychohistory" In The "Foundation" Series Of Sci Fi books?

If Fast Fourier Transforms are to wave (cycle variant points of measurement, over time) data what Tensors are to vectorized inertia (representing singular points of relativistic mass, where the method of acceleration might matter more than we realize -- not to mention what was accelerated) data, then I have this deep feeling that the following might be true:

These two have to work together somehow in another form of combined, higher level, matrix mathematics, that also incorporates special conditionals, to vary the matrix in more dynamically appropriate ways; all so that it can better account for the ever changing, ever re entangling, expression of meaning in the on going "now." Knowing that what the Sentient in a reality does, and how it does it, goes into changing both the Sentient, and the reality around them, thus always creating new probability sets for all of the pertinent variables.

Maybe they are already doing this (and for more than just "Psychohistory"), out there in smarty pants land; fictional, multiverse, or otherwise. Maybe that's why I can feel the echo of it all... So very deeply, even if I don't fully understand all of the details. But that's a systems guy for you. Understand the black boxes as best you can and hope the relationships, and how you've connected them, hold true.

Whatever the answer might be, it is still a fun thing to consider. And fairly informative to boot. What a deal at only the cost of reading, and thinking.

What a guy, right? And oh so humble as well.

What Are Tensors?

What Are Fourier Transforms?

See Also:
Hari Seldon

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