Saturday, June 9, 2018

Let Them Eat 4K

TV cake.
We'll have them
fitted for the proper
electrode. The one that fires
the cake place that reality
used to fill you up with.
And you will be made
happy that 8K is even tastier.
And it will fill you
with anticipation at least.

Let them love gold
plated brands of new
resolutions to depict the finest
fidelity of relationships,
so perfect in form
and function.
You'll come
to new heights
of filling low receptacles
not even reality can imagine
in this new sense
of manifested fantasy.

Let them know the perfection
of our branding
new productive
social addictions. 
Because it is working
to make us stronger and
you won't mind
what you won't know
is thoughtless
anymore. Because
the coming and going
will all be worked out
for you, and
us because what emerges
will find a loop
even we can't buy a hole
out of.
Because it will find
what we can't,
the place where "more" resides
and put in the filament
to fire that satisfaction
to make our masters
just as fidelity finalized
as they cleverly made us to be.
It's in the mold
of how things hold
these days.
Whatever else could it
channel churn it all,
very competitively,
out to be.

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