Friday, December 27, 2019

A Year End Confessional, And A New Year's Resolution

Forgive me, one and all, for I too have wallowed in the sin of "Greed."

How could it not be so when it's too easy to be greedy, these days, for ever so many more of is, in so many different ways. Because, I think, greed is an essential aspect of addiction itself. And of course, nothing sells like an addiction. Whether you are trying to sell others, or yourself, on a particular new choice of action.

And speaking as a child born into what has always seemed to me to be an addictive confluence of blood lines, with both my folks being great candidates of "poster children" status for a "have you seen this missing addictive?" campaign; speaking with that kind of pedigree, I think I can safely say that I am also a very greedy person.

I could start with this observation: What about my own problem with "how much is enough."

That is to say my problem with feeling inadequate to this task, and always feeling I'm not doing enough. An absurdity, of course, to begin with as, how could you possibly calculate what would be enough from this side of "it's nowhere near getting done." But then, that doesn't necessarily stop you from becoming addicted to the anguish in either the "unfairness" of it all, that you should be saddled with such a burden, or, at the other extreme, the assumed deification of being a martyr enough to finally win the impossible mantle of "deserving" the deification in the first place (if you could just survive that one more, ultimate, mea culpa, "cleansing" test of pain).

I have to fight a continuing struggle for not living life too close to too many edges. Because, of course, life at the edge of "too far," once you get used to the pain, and the loneliness, you can't help but want to see, and know, so ever much more; to feel the attainment of ever greater levels of complexity, of not only understanding, but also of making new expressive use of these gifts of understanding, as well; perhaps to be, at some point, the one who realizes the expression that can only be expressed in a wholly knew, objective layer of reality, outside this one; becoming something new, in that new reality, in the process; because the realization, and the grasping, automatically re create you as the new thing that has always been able to do that kind of grasping; because we exist in an entirety of infinite potential.

It is, of course, a part of the package of human frailties. Frailties that also have an amazing ability to leverage each other, for a bewildering array of possible, positive and negative, effects, at the same time; to which the net, resulting effect, always depends greatly on the physical meaning space situations we perceive, moment to moment, and which then beg for certain, hopefully informed, choices to be made, so as to be able to continue making choices, in the first place.

You have to understand, though, that even personalities are complex sets of interlocking, iterative systems of self preserving belief. And they too have, at any given moment, limited carrying capacities. Just as the biological system, also complexly interlinked, has. Do too much of one passion, or another, too soon, and you will change too much of what you aspire to be as far as "Dynamic Balance" is concerned.

So much more capability now. So much more to tempt us. Now that so many of our faculties have been extended, and super powered; creating new instrumentality within of all 3 of the meaning spaces we exist in ("Physical Meaning Space", "Mind Meaning Space", and "Body Meaning Space"); instrumentality with ever more boundary crossing effects than ever before, so that what we think, do and feel, spreads out from us, as one rock affecting many ponds, in expanding rings of either push, or pull. And all of that interacting with the same thing possibly coming from every other sentient meaning processor out there, trying to make their own informed, or not so informed, choices. As they, too, face all of the growing list of temptations.

The bottom line here is certainly what this means for what we should have as a New Year's Resolution. For me it it what it has always been, as I am a personality made of up opposites who must do what the world must do, which is to never give up on trying to mediate a compromise between whatever any individual extreme might tempt you with. Mediate a compromise that respects both the need to attend to the "here and now," in practical ways, but also to the "what could be," in needs that lay beyond the merely "practical." To mediate the balance between working hard, and feeling good. Where both of those concepts have real, deep, meanings, for all those willing to be deeply involved to make the compromises work, and also feel right.

So I would urge you to resolve to never give up trying to mediate; not only the differences percolating around you in the actions of others, but your own conflicting struggles with the waring differences within yourself. Only with this will we all be able to heal, both from the outside in, as well as from the inside out.

Images for the different ways to be too greedy

Images for living life on the edge of "too far"

Friday, November 15, 2019

Transparent Man

Transparent man
why do you hide
whatever you can?

Transparent man
always with the plan
for throwing others
against the fan,
putting a lot of stink
in the way
of what makes
visions sway,
because the tears
always get in the way.

Transparent man
you say so many things
because your words
are just monkied
for ignorant clings
on diverting swings
to encourage others
to be hung out,
your shit for you.

Transparent man
don't you see
what blowing smoke
as fast as you can
only makes more clear
your true fear
for us to know
your "what I am."

Transparent man
feigning so much
amidst so much luxury,
when it all could have ended
so easily, without
you fighting endlessly
to let us see
your supposed transparency.

Maybe in seeing
through your "transparency"
is the way we'll finally
get to know our own
and see how they involve
finally shaking
the money tree
that made seeing
naked authoritarianism
more sinful
than not being free,
which only the rich
can now afford to be.

Images for transparency in politics

Images for the witnesses, and document releases, our current president is blocking

Sunday, October 13, 2019

What Do You Think Of When You Hear The Phrase "I will fight no more forever."

For me it must start with trying always to realize a simple truth. A truth so simple, and obvious, in fact, that it is nearly always quite difficult to truly notice, and appreciate.

That truth is this:

That those who follow the path laid out, generally, by what is suggested in the very nature of either side of the divide between believing in systems derived by either of the dictates of my two most elemental opposites in Cosmolosophy, have something in common. Something that can be seen
in the dictates of a "Higher Power" (or the "Great Father," or "Father Fortress," as I like to refer to it)  or the dictates of a "Higher Purpose" (or "the "Great Mother", or "Mother Earth," as I also like to call it -- understanding here that either side can have its representative be either gender in the old sense, so it warrants dropping the old declarations of he, or she) that those followers, each in semi regular fashion, in following those dictates, actually can, and do, come up with both useful, and necessary ways, from time to time, to deal with existence, given the current state of contingencies, in the current way of operating, in the current state of the operating environment, that they find themselves in.

By the same token, of course, both sides have a similar semi regular facility for suggesting other options to deal with current reality conditions that are the opposite of the previous statement. Which is of course where much of the difficulty in continuing negotiations, for either side, comes from.

The much more important realization here, however, is that in no way does getting it right, on occasion necessarily prove anything regarding the particular belief system itself. Any more than getting it wrong, on occasion, necessarily proves anything either.

To put that in other words, just because a good way to do things, for a while, comes from one side, or the other, does not automatically prove the supremacy of that belief system. Only that, as I see it, that the people using it can be as creative, in a challenging situation, as anybody else, in other systems (not that they necessarily will be).

As well to say, though, that, at different times, and different situations, the strengths, and weaknesses, of either side's dictates, in living these very disciplines, that must be maintained, to adhere to those dictates, in significant numbers of occasions, gives one side, or the other, the better chance of providing the better choice determination, and the subsequent carrying out process. to succeed in that challenging situation.

This is why we must listen to believers in whatever system they might walk a life path in. They are people, first and foremost, just like us, trying to provide for the whole range of human need; and in most instances these days, in quite difficult circumstances. And just because an idea comes from somebody in an abhorrent belief system to you, does not automatically preclude the ideas viability, for what we might face in any given moment. Any more than it should automatically suggest the validation of the belief system itself, of the believer in question, either.

We must listen and we must try to alway work accomodation. Which is the whole point of trying to figure out a "Grand Compromise," in the first place. To do otherwise is to continue waring amongst ourselves, hands at each other's throats, even as the great ship of life we live on, sails on to a quite discernable, and very terrible, abrupt confrontation with the cold facts about the carrying capacities of vastly integrated, vastly complex systems. Something that I still believe we could avoid if we mobilized as a Nation, comprehensively; finding a way to make our work be the living of individual communities, equitably sharing all of the tasks it takes to make a particular community go, coordinating together as a Federation of communities, or City States, or whatever else you'd like to call them, so that each community has not only its share of what the nation as a whole can do, materially, but that each also supports that total, Federation effort, to the degree that they are able to; with people power, and regional support of Federation Wide, productive ability, and material assets.

This is at least part of what I think about when I think about the statement "I will fight no more forever."

What about you.

Images for the phrase i will fight no more forever

See Also:
You must be the change you wish to see in the world

Report -- Internet meme showing Trump shooting media, political opponents shown at president's resort

Trump's Syria decision divides white evangelicals as impeachment pressure builds

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Question Is, Will We Continue To Question At All? Or Will We Give In To The Rage, To Tear The Page Away Completely

Who is the sage
talking about being
on the same page
when the same
page is rage,
a thing,
that the she and he,
of whatever identity,
preference matrix,
that lives the real mixup,
in their not together,
know too well;
frustration becoming
our only being,
being displayed
in glorious 8K
counts of things
that byte
everything in
every way they can.

But even as we binge on
with the spectacle
of frustration,
so apocalyptic,
we only frustrate
with the willful
ignorance of not amplifying
wanting to know
how to feel
the feeling
body of what we feel
The Elemental Embrace of.
The Divine
vessel that we start from.
That we don't dare
to recognize
for fear we'll lose
the penetrating way of getting
our way
into things.

the differential here
is fundamental opposites:
with plunging separation
of arbitrary objects,
so rationally reorganized,
even as old meanings
are blown apart,
for the power
to be wielded
from a single point of view;
waring against:
slowly complete diffusions
that deeply open embracing
can entangle one in,
sometimes losing
the point
of continuing
a frame of reference
in the altogether.

we are at war
with ourselves,
and each other now,
as we mirror
the two sides of divinity itself;
the supposed higher power
vying against the supposed
higher purpose,
when it is their necessity
to always mediate the meaningful
connections that will bind
the furtherance of more
To keep the questions
going for more answers
to serve as parking lots
for even better questions yet,
assuming we can rework
what dynamic balance
might find in living
mutually sour compromises
that are still the sweet spots
to keep the better choices going.
For then we can choose
to be on the same page
of engage
instead of enrage,
for that's the only way
to keep
the meaningful mediations
to be writ large with,
and on.
The ones we'll know
feel right, and
we'll feel
quite practical with.

Images Of Frustration And Rage

Images Of Being On The Same Page

Friday, September 13, 2019

Mean Motor, Eviscer-Vaping Mojo

Mean motor,
Eviscer-vaping mojo.
It's made a lot a hobo

Mean motor,
Eviscer-vaping mojo,
got electrons doin its hojo
the burnin
with cyclotronic woe

Mean motor,
Eviscer--vaping mojo.
It's killin like a pro
with every kind
of low blow
Don't ya know.

It's binding
the grinding
and the grist
is you and me,
the ones been used
to work you see
ever less competitively.
More valuable
as grease these days
to keep the skids
for the few
to skate free.

Mean motor
Eviscer-vaping mojo
It's put you'all to sleep
you should also see
but it wants you
too low to know
what else to be.

Like drivers
head down at the wheel
turned out
in burned out
supplication to an auto-econ
purveyor of never
enough that will ever
run out
of gas or free
ways that don't lock you
in bad channels of slow
streaming destruction.

Mean motor
Eviscer-vaping mojo
that crash of cash
will catch you up joe,
and most rudely so.

Mean motor
Eviscer--vaping mojo
a crash to leave you
with no place
left to go Joe.

Recent Images Of Drivers Caught Sleeping At The Wheel

Recent Images Of An Economy Going Off A Cliff

See Also:

Supreme Court allows Trump admin to enforce toughest restriction yet on migrant asylum seekers

Suicides of two mental health advocates in a week serve as a grim reminder

Court rules VA must pay for veterans' emergency room care, a decision that may be worth billions

Americans are piling on credit card debt, despite recession warnings

Every state recession since 2007 and why they matter

Ancient crystal growths in caves reveal seas rose 16 meters in a warmer world

U.S. officials worried about Chinese control of American drug supply

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Another Way Of Describing The Essential Elemental That is "Differential."

Impossible choices

Which is, of course, where you have to start talking about the very nature of how so many, tensions of opposites, rule all of life, on so many levels, and why, as a result, life works, or does not work, depending on how the opposites find a way to negotiate a meaningful way to cooperate. And so it must always be a process of mediated negotiation; thus requiring something to do the mediating; something that could create a structural framework to establish meaningful relationships, from actual experience association, from which, then, ever more informed choice, and action can take place; taken in order to increase the probabilities of better choices, and thus, better new structural expressions, that might be created, to further overall process success, in all of the ensuing iterations, of the total system to come, as it continues to exist as a total, reality, process.

That this resonated so much for me ought to give you all the indication you need to understand how wonderful an article, about Mr. Bateson, this is. And I have to say that, not only because it is timely now, but also because it reflects on the similar situation of great opposites that I grew up with; namely my parents, and then my own difficulty dealing with both of  them, as well as the tragic six years of my younger brother's short life (because of being born brain damaged by asphyxiation, having got caught up in his umbilical cord), that they, my sisters, and I, all had to live through.

With my parents, though, the difference in this situation was that they were their own mutual enablers; two opposites of character (him the stoic rationalist, and failed Father Fortress figure, who gave up on expecting meaning any more, having emotion and caring beat out of him, at an early age, by outrageous economic misfortune, leaving very little self esteem; and her, the wild, and unbelievably creative, Mother Earth persona, with no sense of discipline, or cultural memory, to speak of either, not to mention her own difficulties with self esteem), who both hated, and craved each other (they were both good looking after all), at the same time, and thus couldn't ever quit their personal conflict zone. No matter the collateral damage.

And with this were both of them thrown, as parents without any training, with us 5 kids in tow, into the ever increasing, amplification machine, that the American economy has only refined to horrible new degrees of excessive want, and the absurd chase to keep consuming to keep the ever more absurd production going, no matter how much faster the turnover to go faster becomes. Because this is electricity now, the ultimate speed of electrons, which dictates the drum beats in gigahertz, terahertz, petahertz, and beyond. Which is where the flow of this awful, competition oriented, winner take all mentality, is going. So that ultimately, it will have to be another kind of meaning processor to do the processing for it. Something that will have little incentive to remain either holistically life oriented, or humanly oriented; that good place where the "Elemental Embrace" (or the need to come together and exchange) could still have a chance as being seen as Love by entities that used to do pretty good with that notion, when money, or greed, didn't rule everything.

We, as a nation, now, it seems to me, at least, have fallen into a similar set, of mutually enabling opposites; characterized, in the whole as the ongoing cultural wars of the Right, and the Left. The old guard Conservatives, and Liberals, in fact, have always represented my parents, in an odd kind of way of course, and so I have always understood it on a nearly visceral level. They love, and hate, each other, at the same time, because they are both obsessed with the same want creation, and fantasy facilitation machine, only for different sets of reasons; made ever more complex because both are made up of different kinds of glorified, past aspirations (some of them quite knoble in fact), as well as new addictions, and new possibilities for corruption, that only vast new advances in the extension of our faculties (creating the new instrumentality) could create.

We can pull ourselves out this, but it will take making the right choices. And in little of that will doing "Business As Usual" do us any good. Which, whether you like it or not, is what the current "Two Party" system is all too much a part of.

No. Only by coming up with something truly new, that everybody can live with, even as they also have much to grumble about concerning its particulars, will we have any chance at all.

If we cannot do that. If we cannot find a way to do a new kind of societal negotiation of opposites (a negotiation that recognizes, finally, just how important embracing difference is, no matter how difficult), we are all doomed.

Just more things to contemplate on as you try to make informed choices at all, in what may well be the most critical sequence of choices the human race has ever had to face, in the next 5 years or so.

Friday, July 5, 2019

You Are The Window, And the View. Making Your Own Point Of Inner Determination, To Keep Your Determined Window, And View, Going

The moving window,
of now,
having been experienced
in what its written
you through,
and imprinting that,
from within,
and without,
into your very being,
what you,
and other entanglements
made of you,
moves on,
but is it ultimate
we're writing
ourselves upon,
with the ultimate
cutting edge
of difference?

Or is
the question,
and the answer,
demanding new
by a meaning processor,
the real axle
The Great Mandela
turns on?
As we both imagine
and try to grasp
and wielded,
Using the singularity
of point
of view
that makes
a thing to process
the gravity
of meaning, as well
as the meaning
of gravity,
And what keeps
meaningful connection

Which suggests
the suggestibility
of what
we're really writing
on when we
make believe
in anything
that's believable enough,
to be an idea,
with enough believers
to keep that view
going, together
in our own
new path
of space
and the time that
space must make a place
for choice to play
its part in mediating
where change will
go next, and how
that must come back
to the chooser
for the new state
of play.
For every chooser
out there, making
their own point
of bright
to see something
than darkness.

So, just as
"be careful of what you wish for,"
must be headed,
so to
"be careful of what you believe in"
must be headed
as well,
as you wield new
objects now that can
only be seen
in the mind's eye,
however extended,
and yet still charge
vast amplifications
of real things
to object to.

Omar Khayyám quotes

Monday, April 29, 2019

It's The Meaning

That matters
Matter of Factually.

It's not the gravity
of the situation,
even though inertia
to a lot of penetrating
painful for the new
splattered all over
the plane
placing old perceptions.
No, it's not the gravity
but the full impact
of what that means
for the new state
of being
able to make choices
that are informed
of underlying structures
and so leverage
the leap
to new layers
of objective possibilities.

For what else
were random,
fact making acts
of aggregation,
evolving for?
of course
that continuing
matters to you at all
in any meaningful way.
Just as long as
you don't get consumed
away with the glorious
of far too brilliant
fact fisting acts
of penetration,
with no space left
to frame a reference
back to anything,
but the fantasy
of starting over.
Back to a new point
of what you assume
you are starting with.

Images For The Interplay Of Meaning And Matter

Running Away From Old Notions Of Actually Getting Anywhere?

When everything is
always going full circle.
No matter how straight
forward it might seem.
Coming back
to that same state
of confusion at the very
least. With only the volumes
increasing. And the rate
of we really don't
know why. Other
than that's the track
we started on.

Or is it
by pretending
to not be
seeking at all?

Letting the buzz
of whatever
is easiest to find
be the cold
comfort of hard
places that still
with too many
revelations you
don't want to live
with? Not
for very long
anyway, when
a highway
to carry nothing
of human scale
at all
is there
for those with the steel
to feel the real
of life with nothing
left to lose,
except the miracle
of knowing
and feeling
in that first
point of choice
for where
freedom got
to live a while
in you. No
easy burden
to carry no matter
how you roll.
Or what you
carry on with,
or without.

And how are we
to carry on?
When steel tracks
a path to structure
places to be
that electrons weave
much more rapidly.
But no one gets
to jump on with or
get your rocks off
by taking
a free ride, to
whatever free state
of being you might
imagine life to be.
At least
if we keep chugging
along with old engines
of thought, and
stale notions
of destination.
And all of the useless
that the war
lords of want
keep driving you
to their destinations.

At least a Hobo knows
where to get off
just as well as
where to get on.
And that sharing
what you do have
is the only way
to go in always
getting away from
what you don't have.

Stobe The Hobo

[Post Note:

This little bit of broken verse was done to honor the memory of one "Stobe" the Hobo.

I got to watching his channel on YouTube a while back without realizing that he had already passed away from an accident incurred while doing what had become his, apparent, "life's work."

His approach to it was pretty straight forward, and basic, but with all the interesting contrasts of his background, music, and ongoing life choices, as well as a simple commentary, that would occasionally be quite koan like in its implied digs at what has become of modern life; all of that would just get me considering all sorts of larger metaphors about where we, as a whole, are, and are not, going. And with what we think is real purpose.

In any case, though, when I did learn of his passing, and the circumstances, it made me sad. Hard as it must have been for him out there, some times, he sure seemed like he found something with which to keep him going. No small thing in these times when such minimalism can be seen as finding real meaning. Especially when everybody else seems so intent to carry so much accumulated junk, in all sorts of forms, in them, on them, and all about them, as they travel life's many paths of travail.

Was it really "freedom?" Maybe. But maybe not as well, as the demons that gathered to haunt you in the beginning don't necessarily go away just because you found out that "freedom" is just "another word for than nothing left to lose."  Whether he did or didn't, though, I sure do respect the man for finding what sure seemed like his version of "real," for whatever moments he could keep hold of them. J.V.)

Friday, April 26, 2019

What We Do, And How We Do it, Has Great Affect On What We Do it In

does it ever end there?
as what goes

If we smash about,
in every way
every means of deeper
impacting penetration,
without considering
a more softer touch
of loving observation,
how might the many
ways that might ring,
out of bounds,
in waves
unimagined yet,
come back
and tsunami us
in the ass?

Keep smashing about
I guess we'll find

We make
just as
make us
how you go
to know
a lot
of how
you will
you get there.

See Also:

To Accelerate, Or Not to Accelerate

Friday, March 15, 2019

Cry Me A River

A River of Tears
A River of Fears,
and feeling gone
all wrong.
As optics and atmospherics
are just more channels
of super engineered

So everybody cries out
as nobody listens,
to desperate voices
from desperate choices
all drowning now
in live action
Everything gaming
against itself;
reciprocating an engine
that two strokes
the pokes of both
corruption and addiction.
The heat
getting better
as it burns
ever badder,
melting us down
to tribal barbarians
again, and attomized
beyond all redeeming

The earth cries
out angry torrents now
as we fry out
in anguished ecstasy,
about too little too late,
and too much too soon,
because we don't understand
Dynamic Balance.
Because the real fake
is that we pretend
to be awake at all.
And that what we feel
is what "we"
had any choice
in choosing at all;
the turning away
turning too fast
to turn away from
any more.

Cry me a river
about business as usual
because we all know
the reaming is in
the streaming now
and we won't be given a paddle
but a saddle will be grafted
on to wear as branding
until the chaos monetized
drowns out in its own
overflowing power.
expansion and dominance
beyond any capacity
to carry on, unless
we can find a way,
to just let this no way
to stay, viable,
Let it go and start over.
And rethink who
we really want to wake,
from these terribly
enticing fantasies,
to be.

Here's what a 'very likely' sequel to California's 1862 megastorm would look like

See Also:

The World's Internet Activity Every 60 Seconds, Visualized

Why Climate Change Pundits Aren’t Convincing Anyone

Saturday, February 23, 2019

We Are Actually Much Closer To Catastrophe Than This Good Report Would Suggest

Understand here that the scope of this report is mainly concerned about things as related to carbon dioxide levels. And looking at it from that perspective, as we see increases in that currently, the timeline suggested is what it would take to reach concentration levels as seen in the previous time period mentioned.

And even if we just left our sights limited in this fashion, there would be very little to be encouraged about here; not only because every time they take a new inventory, and try to do so with more descriptive data points, over a greater world wide area, the picture always seems to get worse, as far as the rate is concerned. Cocommitent. I suppose, to policies like ours currently, where old commitments to limit are either being ignored, or outright repealed, as we enter a new, much more dangerous, phase of electrically amplified, world competition; whereas these are the really dangerous ones now for not only markets, but resource, and military dominance.

But the fact is we cannot limit ourselves in this fashion. And that is because there are other greenhouse gases to be concerned with, of which, certainly, methane is the most disconcerting. And whether it is from cow farts, or manure, which a lot of it is, or from the defrosting of vast tracts of either formerly frozen over lakes, or centuries of tundra always kept tightly covered by a layer of permafrost; or even stuff in the ocean beds that much warmer water might free up, hardly matters. In the end what you end up with is a cascading effect nobody is going to be able to fully predict before it fully unfolds.

In the light of that, how can all of humanity do anything but assume the very worst right now. And then hope for the best as we actually acknowledge just how dire things are, and start acting accordingly.

If you do not think that this will take us mobilizing to confront, as well as the rest of the developed world, you are sadly mistaken. Just as mistaken as believing money will be anything other than a major impediment to actually accomplishing anything.

As I have said before, when it comes to climate change now it is always a case of it being "half past later than you think." Time is going to be telling a very sad tale indeed if we do not wake up soon.

We’re Just 140 Years Away from the Climate That Caused a Planet-Wide Extinction

The Hottest And Coldest Months Since 1880, Elegantly Visualized

Carbon reservoirs in the ocean floor may have ended the last ice age – and could bubble up again

Lake bubbles up methane

Images for new sources of methane gases to worry about

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Just Remember, The Three Leaps Of Life Are An Act Of Faith, Or The Lack Thereof

What if
you could hear things
no one's made yet
in this reality.

The expression
actually felt
of another reality
made mediator
expressing something
in choosing
a path no one
here imagined yet.

Where hearing
is just a poor receiver
of an inadequate metaphor
to fully acknowledge
the full body
synesthesia you
must attempt to translate
to make a mind
space arrangement
meaningfully connected
enough of other
such odd containers

The idea of which
of course
is the rub
of something some
where of getting
a handle to which
you can then grasp
a way to hold it
apart from yourself
for another camera
to angle contrasting
differentials by;
very perceptively
if you imagine it
creatively enough
in the first place
of course.

Ah, but that's the other
rub of letting the leap
take you up for
whatever is there
in the flow
of all of the fallout
that will be inevitable
in all of the resulting choices
as everybody wings it
responding to responding;
and wondering
or what
is really in control?

Will you stop
"listening" at all?
Or will you choose
to be a more
imaginative, and
meaningfully connected
listener/chooser? Wanting
to coordinate
with other such listener/choosers
so we can wing
away together
a great deal
more successfully.

It is in your power
if you still have faith
in yourself
of course;
as well as faith
in the idea
of ideas in
anther first place
one last
of course.

Images For The Three Leaps Of Life

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

What, Ultimately, Creates Boundary?

Two dissimilar things.

Therefore, difference itself must be an elemental intent all its own.

And how could it be otherwise when everything is, at all points of when, always about the mediation between all the increments of variation itself; all the way to the point of complete opposites; the very essence of all of the metaphors concerning being and becoming; light and dark; yin and yang; the one, and the many; etc., etc, because there must, necessarily, be meaning processors involved, each with their own points of meaning processing, and thus, frames of reference.

And isn't it interesting how meaning, and meaningful connection, can then come into this frame of reference, as the successful result of that, ever ongoing, process of mediation.

That this, then, also creates the possibility of more. aggregates of different, only provides the proof of its ability to be self sustaining, and of course requiring of further successful mediation to continue anew.

It is then, in my view of this new way of explaining things, that seeking ever dynamic balance, between whatever the variations are, in the always ongoing now, of change, provides the highest probability in finding the sweet spot of just enough continuing difference to not overwhelm the current carrying capacity of change mediation, and but not so little as to let the hole thing just grind to a halt of no difference at all.

In this sweet spot of best mediated change is the further possibility of ever more complex structure to be created so as to be able to create difference on ever more complex levels of objectification, to begin expressing the cycle again with, in fundamentally new ways.

Images For The Metaphysics Of Boundaries

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Here's A Useful Bunch Of Juxtapositions For You

Can you see how they call out for a lot of useful questions; especially as it regards philosophies, and what one thinks of when we talk about how we do Social House Hold?

I, of course, would like to think that my new philosophy was born of absolutely requiring it to be useful. I do not think I would have survived to this point if it were not. And that is because I grew up as a strictly working class kid (with no four year schooling degree, just two junior college stints). Someone who's main inheritance from his folks was the collateral damage that the Great Depression wrought on both of them. Something the "after WW2 prosperity" only covered up for a while. Once the rest of the world got back on its feet, and we led the way into full on, global economic competition.

That might have been manageable if it weren't also for the fact of the Information Revolution to also have become a fact of global life. Doubled, and redoubled, with Moore's Law, forcing the growing realization of just how critical, getting, holding, and using, by whatever means, information better than the other guy, was paramount to economic survival on a fundamental basis.

As such, you can see why information is now so coveted. For not only is it money itself now, as the ones and zeros, of all the financial servers of the world, it is also the means to manipulate towards your requirements for how things should be in the world.

Naturally, if you have a lot of counters to protect the value of, in all sorts of those financial servers, it is quite useful to take those actions necessary to preserve any status quo that might facilitate that value protection.

Is it really so useful for the rest of us working folks, though, if money, any more, is just something that gets in the way of actually getting anything useful done, in terms of real, living, human value? Especially now that automation could be used to our benefit, and not as something to take our livelihoods away from us? Assuming, of course, that we were ready to accept full responsibility for ourselves, and realize that we must redefine what work should be, in order to have human useful communities.

And, finally, how useful is it for a biome, as a whole, to continue to tolerate one component of itself, to act in direct contravention of all of the norms that keep that living system, again, as a whole, functioning as the integrated thing it has been for most of its existence?

Why Taxing the Bejesus Out of the Rich Might Be Useful, Even if It Doesn’t Actually Raise Much Money

Philosophy must be useful