Sunday, April 8, 2018

Nobody Is Really Ready For Space War, Even If They Have Weapons In Space Already

Taking our, terminally dangerous now, competitions into the heavens will surely be the end of us. How else can you possibly state it?

Just consider at the face of it: even in the best of times, could the world support saving the planet, and also be engaged in a high orbitals, space weaponization race? Remembering that we do also have to start moving people, in mass, off the planet, where one would hope we had the foresight to pre build livable habitat; on the moon, or wherever else?

That is what you call a practical, virtual impossibility.

And the thing is, it doesn't have to go down this way. Especially if we were to lead the way in showing how changing the current, toxic, economic dynamic, would start eliminating several of those very dangerous, and now outright existential threat, competitions we are now engaged in.

We can do the future without it being any, of the now many, ugly dystopian nightmares we now seem to be so fixated on. It really does not have to be that way. It does, however, require that individuals like you, right now, reading this, take responsibility for themselves on a new level. A level that demands they take action to make government of the people, for the people, become a great deal more litteral. Litteral in the sense that we must now govern ourselves; first in our own communities, then as regions, and then as a new Federation of Independent City States. And we must do this under the banner of the "Grand Compromise" that will comprise the new Libertarian Socialists political party; the compromise that will allow the Right, and the Left, to tolerate each other enough to make it all work; which, by the way, must also be completely redefined, because we will have to run our separate city states ourselves, and be as nearly self sufficient as we can be.

And so you can see that this will be anything but easy. And it will take sacrifice. But it can be done. The only real thing in question is whether we will summon the will to take this one, and then see it through.


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