Tuesday, December 26, 2017

How Can You Refuse

How can you refuse
those in need
of refuge

You don't need
to camp them
in your own
narrow sense
of backyard.

You just need
to see them
having the chance
to rebuild
their own means
to help you
when you need it.

And we will need
them and every other
to help us
save ourselves
as a collective
of lovers still
wanting a living
loving planet.

Can you not see
this value as well
as your own needs?
Wasting away
The larger capital
of living force
without regard
for what walls want
in turning into you,
with the abyss
that looks you coldly
away from what made you
and into your worst
and darkest
addictive phantasies;
which grow nothing
more than just more
of the cruelest harvests
of numbers counting mostly
the metrics of desperation,
and a bigger high
to fall from.

How can you refuse
those in need
of refuge
when you yourself
crave it always
even as you hide
away from your own
desperation, shutting out
the true light of creation
which empowers us all
from meaningful
caring connection.

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