Friday, November 15, 2019

Transparent Man

Transparent man
why do you hide
whatever you can?

Transparent man
always with the plan
for throwing others
against the fan,
putting a lot of stink
in the way
of what makes
visions sway,
because the tears
always get in the way.

Transparent man
you say so many things
because your words
are just monkied
for ignorant clings
on diverting swings
to encourage others
to be hung out,
your shit for you.

Transparent man
don't you see
what blowing smoke
as fast as you can
only makes more clear
your true fear
for us to know
your "what I am."

Transparent man
feigning so much
amidst so much luxury,
when it all could have ended
so easily, without
you fighting endlessly
to let us see
your supposed transparency.

Maybe in seeing
through your "transparency"
is the way we'll finally
get to know our own
and see how they involve
finally shaking
the money tree
that made seeing
naked authoritarianism
more sinful
than not being free,
which only the rich
can now afford to be.

Images for transparency in politics

Images for the witnesses, and document releases, our current president is blocking