Friday, December 28, 2018

The Naked Truth Of Lasting Connection

To lay with something,
as naked as you can
be made of stripping off
the figurative barriers,
in the moonlight,
is truly to bathe
in the light of reflection,
as the glow of connection
infuses you
with the other
infused into you.

Can we ever dance
the deep rub
of Tantric Touch
in absolute entanglement,
letting go into each other
It's the only way
to go
if you really want
to know, and
love the hold
of such beautiful,
lasting structure.
All so very
in oh, oh
So many ways.

We can and
you will know
if you also take
the leap 
of faith into
the loving hold
of all of the deeper
structures already
loving their arrangements
around you. The ones
that breath your life
into you, as
you breath theirs
into them,
in more ways
than not touching
could ever imagine.

It's the true path
that Balance seeks
if the traveler is to love
the journey
as much as the temporary

Sunday, December 23, 2018

What Is Critical Social Logistics?

Ideally it should be the balance between what both the one, and the many, need, and benefit from, in their interactions, that require moving things, and people, around. Where, certainly, the many decide the hierarchy of competing priorities, by the means of the. unencumbered, informed consent, of the majority, by Democratic vote, and/or, voting with your feet (because you absolutely could then).

Where, as well, just as certainly, the majority always takes balanced due diligence to respecting the rights of the minority, because we will all have to play both roles, in an ever shifting set of overlapping responsibilities, as we embrace redefined work, and take full responsibility, for running our own communities (which we will then be sharing the full ownership of).

Keep in mind, however, that this ideal will be impossible to even begin to try to work towards (as you would with any good aspiration), let alone obtain ultimately, if you stay with Capitalism.

And by the way, just so you understand the full ramifications here. You will not be able to save the planet unless you are able to also be working to establish the ability to aspire to this sort of logistics ideal. And that is because saving the planet will require logistics not only for the massive installations we will need to build, and maintain, to have green centered, adjustable, healing effect, but also to begin building the infrastructure for our mass migration off of the planet as well. And that is because those two must go together, or neither will be able to be accomplished ultimately.

I mention all of this now because, At some point in the new year, Congress might actually get around to considering Infrastructure investments; especially now that we are heading for an almost certain, new, recession.

My fear, of course, is that too much of this will end up benefiting corporate coffers, at least as much as it might benefit us, or the planet (and we all know how that can get corrupted). This is why these investments must be done for public utility kinds of things, of which a true, means tested, public, regional, and international, transportation system is absolutely fundamental to our survival.

I also identified the means to produce liquid hydrogen, at sea (with natural fiber tech that might also give us floating habitats as well), to be used by a public energy utility, as well as outlined the means to build "Very Large, Lighter Than Air, Constructs," by which we will be able to create ice, and maybe even city, saving shade, at the very least.

And the thing is, we can set doing all of these up so that it is both a jobs program, and a green investment, because it will be established via Federal, local community, public development projects; with no for profit entities involved at all. Projects that could be tailored to each community's needs for both energy, jobs, and connection to the rest of the world, to trade, and interact, without it being just a means for singular sets of others to enrich themselves.

I know all of you have a lot on your plate, these days, worry wise already, but there is just nothing for it. Please, I beg of you, Give this serious consideration.

Capitalism Is Obsolete: We Most Certainly Do Need To Rethink 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Instead Of Just Watching, We Could Become Americans With A Shared Vision, Doing Things Ourselves

What if, instead of just watching "America's Got Talent" (or any of their ilk) on TV, each community organized their own, local, we got talent, and we love to celebrate it, competitions; maybe as much, if not more, than the oddity of the economic monster that the various physical forms of human ability got turned into; as in all of the sports that dominate the education system now. And what if at least a good portion of the talents celebrated were those that helped the community do things better? As well as the ability to sing, dance, act, and play instruments, which are, on their own, very good things indeed to be doing more of; most especially if you are part of the doing yourself.

What if, instead of just watching "Modern Marvels" on TV (a show that should never have been cancelled), our kids could be taken to various parts of the marvels that make a community possible, and were show, first hand, and on a regular basis, just how the things they need to learn are applied, and why you need to understand them to keep them going. Taking them to these places so as have them put their hands on it, and their full faculties engaged by it, up close and personal, to see how important things give us what we need. Seeing first hand as well, how their parents, the parents of their friends, are a needed part of these things, just at they will need to be when they grow up.

What if, instead of just watching a report, from some dedicated investigative journalist, concerning a situation going on, that was not only immoral, on the face of it, but also horrible to contemplate, if you were on the receiving end of the bad part of this situation; what if, instead of that, you could have the mixed involvement, of an ever circulating group of fellow citizens, sharing first hand the realities of all of the tasks, and processes, that must be done to keep a community going, find these situations organically, as they arise? Find them, and then speak up about them at regular community meetings, because that would also be something of a regular, direct participation; as opposed to just listening to what a few, because they have monied interests, aruge stuff in front of a city council, that few in the community ever even see the inside of the building for (much less made use of themselves), on the local news show at dinner time, or just before bed.

What if work was being organically connected to your community, precisely so as to better help keep it going; so much so that there could never be any doubt, from that point on, that you mattered, and that you were needed. And that getting the basic things you need would just flow automatically from your participation in full scale, community life; especially with the bulk commodity essentials that could be produced by automation, in balance with you figuring out what you value, and want, for your own, personal, enjoyment; and then being given not only the material resources to create it, but the community access to all of the tools necessary to put it together yourself (having already benefited from universal access to the knowledge, and technologies, involved, as well as deep a connection to how to use those technologies.

These things are possible. They could be made to come into being. We only need to first understand the idea of it. Then to agree that it is a far more worthwhile alternative than what we have now; fraught with difficulties though there may be in getting all of the details sorted out on... Well, on just about every aspect of of it. Sorted out and negotiated so that everybody has to sacrifice a bit to make it happen.

This is what you have to do in order to have a vision that might be shared at all. But if you can do that then you can have something that Americans also share what I believe is a unique gift for. And that is simply the fact that Americans with a shared vision are a force of nature. And if we put our hearts, and our minds, to that vision, there is absolutely nothing that we cannot do. Absolutely nothing.

Think on that will you, as this year draws to a close. And you are mired in all of the B.S. that is going on now. We can, as ordinary folks, figure out a better way. We just have to believe it, and never lose faith in that. I am not going to give up on this, and I hope that you do not either. And also remember that, whether you think what I believe in is stupid, or that I think what you believe in is stupid, doesn't, in the end, matter nearly as much as holding on to the idea that we are still, all of us, just working people, trying to have reasonably stable communities; communities that reflect our values and allow us a decent, working chance, for us, and our children, to proper, going into a very challenging future; even in the midst of the turmoil of extreme weather, and uncertainties regarding resources.

Americans with a shared vision are a force of nature

Monday, December 10, 2018

The Real Takeaway From This Ought To Have Been About The "Distortion Fields" That Mr. Lazar Got To Examine

I do not spend a lot of time worrying about whether there are true Extraterrestrials, or not. It is certainly possible; with a significant probability. The possibility that folks here, at one time or another, have had interactions with them, is also a significant probability. After that, though, I just don't care. And this is for a very simple reason:

If they are out there, and whether they originate from this reality, or not, they most certainly haven't shown any interest in helping us. As such, I think we have a lot bigger fish to fry right now, as far as priority triage goes (because we absolutely have that many priorities demanding our attention).

You can speculate on all sorts of reasons for their seeming lack of interest, certainly. Most likely, it would seem to me, because they know exactly how crazy we've become and so want nothing to do with us; a sensible attitude, if you give it any rational thought; understanding that, giving it consideration within any kind of emotional logic, might be quite a bit more probabilistic, even than our rational logic matching to anything they might have for same.

It could also be that they have seen this fragile state, of a recently made sentient (by their reconing you see) species, now at a majorly critical point in their development, before. And they have come to the conclusion that each species must find their own way through this crisis; a form of the "Prime Directive," if you will, but not necessarily nearly so knoble. It might be that they won't need to ever be worried about us if we just fail this test. Or, conversely, if you can't figure this out on your own, how could we possibly depend on you for anything even approaching mutually beneficial arrangements? But who knows, right?

That speculation aside, you do also have to wonder if the small spacecraft still exist, if, in fact they ever did (which I think is credible, given the personal impression I got from the documentary that Mr. Lazar was featured in). As well as to wonder how such a secret could be kept secret for so long; given how even nuclear weapons themselves haven't always that well kept track of in the past few decades.

So, at first blush, it definitely begs credulity, at least to some degree, but I wouldn't waste too many brain cells on the whys of that; for the same "bigger fish to fry" reasons already stated. At least for now.

Be that as it may, though, I am still left quite intrigued by what (Dr,?) Lazar was suggesting was being done by the anti gravity tech contained with the craft he was allowed to examine; being quite specific about it being able to generate distortion fields of some sort, which really resonated with me. The feeling of that word "distortion" used here just makes a lot of gut sense to me, I'm telling ya.

What if we were to suppose that these kinds of "distortion fields" were indeed creatable? Do we only have the fields we already know about, to work with here? And might those be quite adequate enough, if we have them interact in the right new ways, so as to create these kinds of distortions?

Isn't that, in a sense, the very metaphorical intent of the mammoth, nested, and spinning, rings in Carl Sagan's "Contact?" Spinning on axis aligned along different angles relative to each other?

Consider this for instance: What if those rings were really a set of circular, linear accelerators. And what if they were allowed to accelerate either one contiguous mass, or a distribution of smaller masses, to significant percentages of the speed of light (with there also, perhaps, being speed differences so as to create different time dilation aspects). As such, forgetting, for the moment, what keeps these rings from flying apart, one has to wonder what would occur, because, at the very least, you would have very large, relativistic masses, creating the same "Frame Shear" forces, association with accretion disks, that would then interact around different spin orientations. In the case of "Contact," of course, to suggest that a singularity, of some ilk, might form through which a wormhole, also of some ilk, might also be formed. One that could instantly transpose one from one point in space to any other point in space (cool subjective experience, of course, being a complete toss-up as to whether it was just a field induced delusion, or actual experience, of something quite transcendent, or combinations of both).

And if it isn't spinning, relativistic masses, could it be that impossible space drive that NASA is still funding is the distortion field generator? It certainly seems a bit more like anti gravity. But this only serves to beg the question as to what else might create useable field distortions of this magnitude, and seemingly magical effect?

There is supposed to be a Graviton, after all. Could you ever create a Gasser (would you also have to create a virtual, "Zero Point" module, to power it)? As in the effective equivalent of a gravity laser? If you could do that couldn't you also create a whole new class of coherent energy emmination, interference effect? As in a new kind of holographic manipulation of space time. Only in this instance where the meaning in the interference might be tuned somehow to either negative, or positive?

We do have bigger fish to fry, but I never let that stop from always trying to dream up wonderful new possibilities. It is just one more of the kinds of things that help give me hope for the future. And let me just say that I still have hope for the future because I can see the possibilities for getting ourselves out of the mess we're in. I think you could too if you gave it a chance. And just think. If we pull this miracle I claim is possible off, maybe the good guys from elsewhere will want to make common cause, and the bad guys will maybe now want to think twice. Just sayin.

Why Did the FBI Raid the Home of the Biggest Alien Truther

what is frame shear as it relates to astrophysics

Gravitons and Gassers

Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Things We Do To Ourselves

[Post Note: I have added the following:

  1, The new "See Also" link below to: 4 professional women on making ends meet in the most expensive U.S. cities


Because we've had so much BS pumped into our heads. Because nothing is quite as sell worthy like having a person with a lot of BS in their head. As well as not having a great deal of impulse restraint, in their upbringing, be emphasized much either. You know, to go along with a lack of the ability to do critical thinking in the first place, much less be able to articulate that thinking. Because, of course, people like that are precisely too prone to be asking critical questions, demanding information that is just too precious to part with ("My precious!" indeed, as Gollum would say).

Case in point for the moment: Women now being made to believe that they must "Bleach" parts of their labia.

This does, certainly, follow a thread already well wound out, with branching threads as well. Something I have posted in the past as it relates to how our sense of body image has been made to be ever more ridiculous; illustrated quite well by a health professional of some sort, if memory serves, using the evolution of Barbie and Ken, and GI Joe dolls, and how they changed in form, to show this development only too well.

For women, it seems to me, the terrible thing has been related to how cars, and their shapes, may have evolved, because of the obvious marketing potential, to representing them as an extension of a woman's body, in more than a few aspects; far in excess, certainly, of any sort of aerodynamic molding. This was terrible, both in relation to how having a woman's body as a fast, play thing, for status aggrandizement, is bad enough to begin with, but the problem exacerbates when, after a while, the standard warps over, and now woman think they need to keep matching up to the sleek surface renditionings of such status objects, so as to be just as status capable.

You need only observe what the TV standard for a woman to be a "personality," of any branding worth, has to be now, to see this in action; as in you must not have even pores show, on faces that look like they came fresh out of a car body shop; so perfectly smooth, and airbrushed to just the right shade of skin glow. And of course this would also have to extend to all of the body accessories as well; breasts, teeth, stomach, butt, and vagina. As if body shaming wasn't bad enough already, now, that any danglies that interrupt the perfect curves, are so supposedly unsightly, you have to do ridiculously unnecessary surgery on your labia to make what is already something as close to perfect, in the sense of both form and function, as nature ever gets. But that, of course, was already the case with the rest of your supposed naughty bits (but not so naughty as to not be plastered over everything, synonymously with the idea of buy me).

Us guys are in the thick of this too, now, though. Make no mistake. And it is already adding in, perhaps a great deal more than we realize, to the general angst that a lot of men feel for not being able to measure up, commercially to begin with (because value in a community has been taken out of our hands), but then to add what now can only be called the "Hero's" body; at least as the entertainment industry has gotten it all pumped up to be; equally ridiculously over inflated with muscle, but also so sucked out of fat as to be quite nearly lethal; all posited around exercise not as a means to a healthy, balanced life, with healthy muscle tone, but as a new religion; a religion that will take the idea of the Nichian "Superman" to even more disastrous results; with very little allowance being even considered for any counter balancing internalization of the idea that "strength" should be about so much more than just what big biceps are supposed to imply; as in strength of character, strength of heart, or strength of purpose, to name but a few (the actors who do this should be noteworthy not because of the hero's antics on screen, but because of the discipline they have to apply to life to be able to present themselves in this fashion, in the first place).

The bottom line for women here, however, is both simple and complicated. Simple in the fact that, sooner or later, woman are going to have to become some of our most ardent revolutionaries. Complicated because, ironically, you must first stop some wheels from turning at all (with all the forms of peaceful civil disobedience you can muster, not the least of which being work stoppages, en masse), in order to seize the power you will need to take back full control of not only your bodies, in a physical sense, but your very persona as something that expresses a good deal more than an implied impulse to buy. Or that, conversely, personas should be something that can be bought at all in the first place, and used as it pleases those who can pay whatever price; along with its implied, newly redefined, functionality.

The referenced article quick list:

1:The dangerous rise of vaginal lightening

2:Women make up just 11 percent of the highest paid jobs in corporate America

3:Catalyst -- Women In Management Report

4:'Kids are falling off': Why fewer children have health insurance now

5:The language of capitalism isn’t just annoying, it’s dangerous

The dangerous rise of vaginal lightening

[Post Note: Don't think these aren't related, because they most certainly are, not only because they don't want to lose a big money maker, but also because the men involved just aren't ever going to see you any other way now, in my opinion; so steeped, and entrenched, in Capitalistic, dominance, and the rights of supposed, personal, manifest destiny, sorts of thinking, as they are. And also because Capitalism is just so extra mutated now because of the effects of electric amplification of all of our faculties; especially as it relates to just how much excess can happen when ever more, high fidelity fantasies, are a hot commodity, in another gowing new market. J.V.]

Women make up just 11 percent of the highest paid jobs in corporate America

Catalyst -- Women In Management Report

[Post Note: And this applies too because you know who gets stuck with single parenthood the most. Just as you know that such "Bleeding Heart" Liberal issues are the "soft headed" thinking in the minds of the same Capitalist mentality that would make money off your persona, however, and not think twice of the incongruity of that exploitation, against their unwillingness to be taxed to support anything "social" oriented at all. Or so it would seem at least, with the way the react at all to taxes of any kind. J.V.]

'Kids are falling off': Why fewer children have health insurance now

The language of capitalism isn’t just annoying, it’s dangerous

See Also:

4 professional women on making ends meet in the most expensive U.S. cities

[Post Note: There have been two posts that I've done on the idea of our personas being taken away from us, to be used as commercial necessity requires, and the both started from watching this movie. You should check it out because it is quite an eye opener. The posts involved here aren't too bad either, though the first one is a bit long. Learning to edit better has been a long, and continuing, struggle. J.V.]
Meaning, Connection and Mind. The Foundation for Thoughtful, Loving Structure

Further Thoughts on Persona, Fame, and What we Display of Ourselves 

Male Body Image - GI Joe 60's to 90's

Saturday, December 1, 2018

When You Want True, Branded, "Business As Usual," As It Is Now Played, Stick With The Operating System That Works With Them The Best

It's been a good year for thugs, murders, and dictators, it would seem. Though perhaps not so much for certain pretenders to those lofty heights of immorality; at the moment at least.

Isn't it interesting, though, that our Corrupter-n-Chief didn't want to have a chance to glad hand here with these guys as well?

He certainly hasn't been bashful about sucking up to either leader individually before, and in public comments at least, if not in actual public displays of fawning; even after they have killed, or had people beaten, intimidated, or effected interference with a large portion of we hold dear here at home.

Capitalism is certainly not what is going to take us where we need to go, but for these guys, it looks like it has already taken them home.

So the question is as it has always been: What are you going to do about it?

Saudi crown prince and Putin get chummy in front of world's media

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Chemicals Into The Atmosphere Is At Least A Bit Less Invasive Towards The Planet Than Recent Previous Suggestions

Better certainly than trying to reignite old volcanoes to get them spewing light blocking material into the air.

Hard to say, though, what exactly the ultimate effects might be, long term, on doing something like this.

This also breaks the maxim that, if you want to dial an effect up, you better be able to dial it back down again, in reasonably practical time frames; and you need to be able to do that both because you can't be sure of the overall effects, given the nature of how unintended side effects can creep into a complex system that you start throwing changes at; but also because you might actually achieve your result, and then would certainly want to start cutting back on the whole reflecting thing; perhaps a lot sooner than you expected, for completely different reasons than you expected.

The chemical indicated here is sulfur dioxide. Not something normally thought of in connection with big chemical companies spewing poisons simply because it's quick, and will probably address the main problem, as well as make a tidy profit but, by the very fact that we have been given good reason to worry about such connections from past history, we ought to be at least concerned here.

So not only is the obvious question about how long term in the air, whatever chemical is used, might be, pertinent, but also what it might do, harm wise down stream, so to speak, as they undoubtedly will precipitate out in due course, and actually end up flowing through a number of various flow systems, each with their own sets of sensitivities.

The other part of this, for me, though, is why send big money, to whatever kind of company sells the chemical used, and not have something else, other than the hoped for effect, to show for it; not that the hoped for effect is any slouch mind you. But if you intend to spend some "infrastructure" type money, why not build infrastructure that will help you solve this problem, and other problems as well?

And that is where, certainly, I like going down the path of setting up the construction capability, as a non profit, public entity, to build very large scale, lighter than air constructs, in which I include now both Hybrid Dirigible Blimp trains, and the kinds of multi mile cubic structures that would be able to float flexible, reflective mats at whatever altitude, up to the limit of where weather balloons can get to. Floating, flexible mats that could also have solar collectors on them to created quite significant amounts of power with. And assuming you were using the right lift primitive (as in my Lift Doughnut design), you might also be able to pipe cold air back down to further your efforts at cooling.

And understand here, these will be installations that might make the difference between cities lying at, or near, the equator to remain habitable at all, going forward, as they might provide a perfect trifecta of shade, perhaps cooling air, and electrical power, not to mention helping to save some ice at the poles, and whatever other important glaciers need protecting, within either pole's arctic circle.

Scientists say controversial plan to cool the planet is doable

See Also:
Geoengineering Might Be More Palatable If It Involved Much Less Invasive Methods

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Using Gaming Psychology As New Social Manipulative Technique

It's been in the news from several different angles of late. But I still do not think we are appreciating just how destructive this sort of thing can be yet.

Bad enough now that message can be so fraught with manipulation, let us also stack upon it all this seemingly intrinsic need in us to compete; ah, but is it intrinsic?

It certainly might be, to some extent, at least, as we had to compete, in one way or another, to survive at all, early on. But then again, as we've been held under the sway of Capitalist inspired competition for centuries, and now further elaborated by the terrible power of electrified amplification, there could be room for considerable doubt.

It reminds me, though, how someone like me could take advantage of a thing like this; especially as it relates to any, sudden windfall, sorts of money, suddenly being dumped on you; and also especially when you least expect it. As has happened before, with various previous examples in history, of an effective communicator, doing an expression of "a good cause." And certainly to very little good effect for the most part.

This is where the existing system itself seeks to co opt, suddenly rising new ideas that can't be dealt with a meaningful counter argument otherwise. The money, and the notoriety, usually come combined, and then all of the temptations, and new demands, of a thing that starts to make more and more money, and garner more and more enthusiastic support.

In my case it might go like this: I get a big chunk of money from wherever (I consider myself a "strange attractor," in the sense of chaotic systems, so something newly chaotic always comes up to  confront me), so it would be anything from winning a lottery ticket, to a suddenly converted, wealthy, former believer in Capitalism, with even a big dose of a substantial "believer base" of citizens, perhaps, in between. In the end where it would come from is not nearly as important as that it could come.

So. Trying to maintain, at least as some semblance, of a distancing of myself from the money, I put it into a non profit foundation. I even name certain, seemingly appropriate, luminaries to the board of directors. Whereupon I would then meticulously publish an accounting of all of the expenditures so that transparency is crystal clear. All of which, then, to become what you would expect from someone with at least nominal "good intentions."

But then, in a savant event of connection (desired, or not), I devise a gaming approach to get people to read my, quite manipulative, message. And here is how this would work:

I announce a weekly, and monthly, cash prize, that would be awarded, to the post reader who was able to accumulate the most "read," and "understood," points that a newly defined "Cosmolosophy Explorer," might be able to grind out, if motivated properly (a yearly event of the champions, would also be available, as a live event, only to donating members of course) could then offer a really big cash prize). We might even create our own user interface, much like Steam, so that we could control, without Google+, the access we desire to Google Blogs. And then this new interface would become the public access point, from then on, for all things concerning both of my blogs within Google Blogs proper.

All sorts of things would then flow from this gaming setup to get people not only reading my message, but also to then, collectively, start doing the work of organizing it for me; because, of course, you would give point awards for that sort of thing, as well. And the whole point system could start out with the best of intentions of trying to sus stuff that is meaningful to the cause, but that would quickly run up against the possible reality of being inundated with the input from your cause's own popularity.

But then, see, the other players in the game would sidle up and offer, oh so seductively, the AI processing power to help you with deciphering that very thing; and they would do this, of course, starting out as a further, "charitable" contribution to a "good cause." And at that point you would be poised on the possibility of creating your own, self funding, for a time, good cause "ponzi scheme;"
where the growing believer base helps keep funding not only the advocacy itself, but the further development of how the whole cause actually goes about accomplishing anything. And there, as they say, is where the rub of what the money will demand, more and more, meets the ever more hard road of one little compromise after another. And so it goes, little by little, down a different path of paved, good intentions.

Fortunately, I am not going to do that kind of fund raising thing (as stated before, I will live only on the money I receive from my SSI -- approx. $1,300 a month now, or by what I can barter for, whatever that might be). And even if I were to suddenly have money dumped on me it would be disbursed using a9* combination of the following:

I might do the foundation thing, as well as just give some away -- I'd like to do something for my friend Kathleen, for instance, whose cheap rent of a room for me, keeps me off the streets, as well as for my sisters and brother, but I would never, ever, use the money to just get more money.

No, if ever such an unlikely event were to occur, I would instead use, at least the majority portion of it, to have more preliminary research done for the technologies I have been proposing; so as to then have them be further along in the process of getting ready to become full fledged, new public infrastructure projects (of which, precisely because of my devotion to "Open Source," -- and the idea that you shouldn't get to own knowledge -- I would receive no payment for either).

The bottom line here, however, remains as it always has been: The choice as to which path we will continue to proceed along can still be ours. There is no guarantee mind you, but it can be. We just have to choose wisely. However difficult that may be.

The linked article quick list:

1: High score, low pay -- why the gig economy loves gamification

2:Using Gaming Psychology As New Social Manipulative Technique

3:Gaming And The Gig Economy

4:We're overspending for the love of a 'like' on Instagram. Here's how to stop chooses 'misinformation' as word of the year

6:America Is Poorer Than It Thinks

 High score, low pay -- why the gig economy loves gamification

Using Gaming Psychology As New Social Manipulative Technique

Gaming And The Gig Economy

We're overspending for the love of a 'like' on Instagram. Here's how to stop chooses 'misinformation' as word of the year

Saturday, November 24, 2018

What Is Information Overview, Assessment, Integration, And Effective Distribution?

[Post Change Note:

After meditating on this for a while now I felt obliged to make the following change:

1: In the last paragraph below, the, in paranthenese, aside making mention of the magic of the placebo effect, there is now also a further aside reference regarding the concept of savant, as in total Body Meaning space information transfer.

2: Added two new "See Also" references:

    a:Federal report says climate change will wallop U.S. economy

    b:What if the Placebo Effect Isn’t a Trick?


It is another way of thinking about an experience, similar to what it used to feel like in the old days of what made news papers so involving, of perceiving linked mosaics of related facets of our lives. Only now it is something we must all learn to do, at least the the best extent possible. That is, assuming you still have the desire for truly informed choices, not to mention a willingness to take responsibility for yourself, as well as for preserving what living among still loving, and rational, people, brings you.

In the old days, of course, via the telegraph (which spawned the world's first transatlantic pipeline; in the form of a multi stranded copper), which really made this possible, and not that much later by the telegraph of the electromagnetic, radio spectrum, wireless morse code, did an individual of the early 1900's, and on, have the, then unbelievable, almost godly, ability to bath in some new sense of what was going on, in other, connected now (by our many new, competing interests), parts of our social/economic world at the time. And not so long after that came the teletype machine, because electricity, and repeatable type were meant to work together; and with that the black and white, dot matrix, wire photo (and so on).

So not only the words of the events could come from afar, but actual depictions. And all of it collected on a broad pallet opened up by the viewer, to display relatively (for the times) simultaneous shards of momentous occurrence (for why else would someone risk being there to report in the first place). And thus objectification, of the rest of the world, took on a new vantage point, and andybody, suddenly, could make the meaningful connections; elevating things juxtaposed to each other, graphically, and with words, so that the new nature of gap could be revealed... Well, at least to guys like Marshall McLuhan anyway.

And because of this new appreciation of gap, and graphic iconography, did the glossy magazines of the late forties, and early fifties come about, and with that the equally new, hyper mentality of ever more subtle messaging, for not only marketers to advertise with, but advocates of all stripes to do ever more mischievous things with everything now that can convey information. The speeded up presentation of singular snapshots, that are movies, with enough medium on the side of each frame for the analog of sound to be synched in, soon took over of course, but for a time there, the newspapers, and the glossies ruled. Radio intervened too, but the die was set.

As you might imagine, overview now has gotten quite a bit more complicated. and it has taken me nearly 40 years of intellectual life to finally come to realize this. And that is mainly because, in my opinion, the viewpoint has to be just as balanced as everything else one does when one walks the path of balance; only in this instance we have to think of balance a good deal more broadly than presenting supposedly unbiased reporting (a think to aspire to, I suppose, but seldom ever truly achieved). No, when I refer to balance here I mean balance across all major means of receiving information; which of course gets you in trouble because now you have to talk about receiving bit streams from non traditional sources; introducing the notion that the Body Meaning space side of our total cognitive makeup, can receive things we only thought were merely mystical, in days gone by. It is mystical mostly because of our fear of it, and not because there is only superstitious nonsense there (though superstitious nonsense is also a possibility as well).

The thing is, it's not just my oddities that allows me to do this. Everybody, I think, is capable of achieving what I have been able to do. And with a little research we could maybe figure out how to do it so it doesn't take 40 years of total effort (or being born, perhaps, with something at least like autism, that may have given me a starting advantage -- at least in that aspect of things). Whatever the case may be, though, surely my success in utilizing what I have been talking about here, as well as in my success in the world of data processing, ought to suggest a good deal more here than something that is just a part of "well... anything's possible, you know, because we exist inside of infinite potential" (and not only do you do have to take the magic of the "Placebo" effect into serious account, you also have to take a vastly extended idea of Savant into serious account as well)

The linked articles quick list:

1:Top 20 Marshall McLuhan Quotes -- The Canadian philosopher of communication theory

2:Understanding McLuhan (In Part)

3:Development of Communications From Telegraph To TV Second Edition 31340 HD

4:Prescription for Poverty

5:Federal report says climate change will wallop U.S. economy

Understanding McLuhan (In Part)

Development of Communications From Telegraph To TV Second Edition 31340 HD

Prescription for Poverty

Federal report says climate change will wallop U.S. economy

See Also:

A Grave Climate Warning, Buried on Black Friday

What if the Placebo Effect Isn’t a Trick?

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

What Is Wrong With A Society (or a species) That Spends This Kind Of Money For On Demand Fantasy Escape, And So Little On Everything Else That's Important

This is an illustration of just what "Business As Usual" entails now. All you need to do is spend heavily on both on demand fantasy and escape, as well as do everything you can to get people hating the media, and vola, you have a people who cannot make either thoughtful, or heartfelt, decisions on much of anything that is important, and for no other reason than their attention has been fully redefined, preprogrammed,  and  booked.  And of course, more big economic players are set to arrive on the scene, and throw even more money at all of this on demand escape, while the misery index of what we are not spending money on grows almost geometrically now.

This is a moral disgrace that's almost as big as the mountain of money fueling the whole mess, and that ought to be raising the stink it obviously doesn't now. And until it does, we are doomed. Until each and every one of us confronts this terrible discrepancy we are most assuredly doomed.

And remember here. This is not about whether its OK or not to have play time or not. Or whether enjoying entertainment is wrong. This is about the obscene over commoditization of all of these, ordinarily just fine, pursuits simply because a few individuals have found it so profitable, as well as so successful in making them go off the edge of all sense of proportion in personal aggrandizement.

The question then becomes, what are you going to do about it?

The quick list of linked articles:

1: Netflix's Content Budget Is Updated To $13B For 2018

2: 2018 Video Game Industry Statistics, Trends & Data

3: If you hate the media, you’re more likely to be fooled by a fake headline


5: Beware of tech money in entertainment, Liberty Media execs warn

If you hate the media, you’re more likely to be fooled by a fake headline


Beware of tech money in entertainment, Liberty Media execs warn