This is
the second time I have endeavored to write this essay. I wrote the
first one Saturday, saved it, so I thought, and closed down the
document program to let it sit for a while before I came back to it
for some polishing. Turns out this was not to be.
The save
didn't work because I forgot that the security program I use (for
virtually anti everything) has a new version of itself in place. This
new version loves its “Sand Box” mode so much that the authors
decided that certain applications ought to be run in it by default.
And just to be sure we're all on the same page here, “Sand Box”
mode in this context is simply a virtual work space inside of
Windows. A mode I hasten to add is a must for web browsing. It was a
default for the documents app simply because of the language this app
was written in, which has newly discovered vulnerabilities.
mention this only to illustrate one more aspect of how silly the
human mind can be.
As you
can imagine I was royally pissed. Took me all day to get passed it.
To let go of that sense of unbelievable injustice. All feelings that
I knew in one part of my mind were complete nonsense, but for which I
was powerless to stop the flood of feeling over. I'm sure you get the
reason it's acute for me is that articulating something I feel is
important is always an intense struggle; both as a joyous and
frustrating experience. This is so because, for me, the vocabulary of
any language is an immense block of stone. White marble perhaps as it
relates to a blank sheet of paper.
In any
case, though, every time I begin something I am confronted by the
fact that, inside of that immense block, is virtually everything that
we can know or feel; specified in a brilliant spectrum of forms of
precision and effect; everything from coldly analytical, to
obnoxiously ostentatious. You get to the part of the spectrum of the
thing you want to express by chipping away at the inappropriate, as
well as the irrelevant, fragments so that just the right balance
between form and content are achieved; which of course never happens
to the full degree possible. There is both joy and frustration at the
mere fact of getting close; precisely because of how relative “close”
can be.
thought what I did yesterday was fairly close. And then I lost it.
For that time yesterday I felt like I'd just chiseled out a form that
would never be duplicated, which I then promptly dropped, letting if
be smashed into a million bits of meaningless ones and zeros.
Nonsense as already stated of course, but that's the human ego for
were two things I wanted to cover here. The first was to explain why
it sometimes takes me a while to post anything, and the second was to
talk about how connection, and shared meaning, are vanishing all
around us; and as a result, there comes to be less and less structure
left to encourage the ability to counter this trend in the first
first issue is simply what results when someone spends an inordinate
amount of time as completely immersed as they possibly can be into
the current roiling hurricane of fact, fiction, absurdity, breath
taking discovery, and gut wrenching horror, that is the info-sphere
today; that multichannel atmosphere for the mind that more or less
renders the interaction of our physical world and the six billion or
so people (as meaning processors) who make choices in it.
because of what I have indicated as trending now, it can take a toll
on a person. It also doesn't help much when that person suffers from
severe depression, even if they weren't so immersed. Severity
punctuated by the fact that it takes the maximum recommended adult
dosage of Sertraline to make it even approachable as manageable.
you, I wanted to tell you this not because I need any sympathy. My
youngest brother died of severe cerebral palsy at the age of six. He
wasted away to the state of extreme starvation simply because we
could not pump enough calories into him to offset the constant,
virtually complete, body rigidity his lack of muscle control left his
body in. And I mention that only to convey the degree to which I
understand how lucky I am despite of anything else I've had to
overcome. And to acknowledge as well that there are literally
millions and millions of others, in various parts of the world, who
continue to suffer in the extreme; as least as much, if not more,
than my even my brother did. And that this is intolerable, unconscionable, as
well as immoral.
The fact
is, I feel that I owe those few of you who have continued to pay some
attention to what I have had to say; as well as to those who simply
haven't had a chance to happen upon it yet. I'd like to believe that
you've kept the faith that there might be something here of
importance. Just as I'd like to believe that I might have been lucky
enough to stumble onto something important, let alone the ability to
express it properly; even after over twenty years of trying.
haven't given up because you haven't given up looking for some
answers; regardless of whether my take on things is the right one or
not; though I would certainly settle quite amicably for simply being
temporarily useful in getting any and all to a better answer.
The fact
of the matter is that meaning and connection ought to be of immense
concern for all of us now. The expansion of our part of the universe
is accelerating its rate of expansion, even as we seem to whirl away
from meaningful ties to each other faster and faster as well.
said that, though, I am not trying to suggest that there is a direct
linkage. A physicist will tell you that this expansion is all
pervasive in the Cosmos, and that's certainly possible. Whatever the
relative probabilities might be, it is also possible that this
expansion is localized to the event horizon formed by the speed of
light and the distance already created by past expansion (perhaps
cutting us off from ever getting to, or getting anything from the
rest of what was once a unified reality). We already know that the
rate of expansion can change, as the great expansion illustrated early on.
Perhaps we are bubbling out into our own zone of entropy; our own
cold new reality.
In any
case, though, I cannot help but believe that, whatever dark energy
might ultimately be, it and our own disconnect, are related to some
degree at least. I believe this because, at a philosophical level,
there can be no meaning, just as there can be no referencing focal
point to base relativity on, without singular meaning processing
systems. And ultimately, a sentient entity has to be involved in
making the whole notion of meaning processing possible in the first
place. Sentient entities that observe, categorize, elaborate on and
exercise choice based on that processing. For without that there
would be no need for probabilities at all. Everything would simply be
locked into the measured dictates of certain fundamentals in various
wave/field equations.
But I am
getting ahead of myself here. I want to provide you with a little bit
of juxtaposition to help illustrate why this has come to a head for
me at this point in time.
As those
of you who have been reading recently will know, there are two books
that have got me to thinking with a little more focus. Those are “The
First Word” by Christine Kenneally and “The Evolution of
Consciousness” by Robert Ornstein.
addition, however, several movies have been kicking around in my head
for years, and a recent one only made the rest stand out more. Those
moves are “The Forbidden Planet,” “Avatar,” and most
recently, “The Congress.”
there are others also related in theme, but these are the ones that I
seem to keep referring back to.
In “The
Forbidden Planet” Walter Pigeon, Leslie Nielsen, and Ann Francis
are on hand to delve into the mystery of a race called the “Krell.”
Nothing is left of the Krell on the surface of the planet Pigeon’s
character, as the Philologist in a scientific team sent to study it,
has come to find out. Only the truly immense (8,000 cubic miles)
machine buried beneath the surface is left. Suffused with technology
a million years ahead of our own.
Krell destroyed themselves the moment they achieved what was supposed
to be their crowning goal: the ability to affect the physical world
without any immediate physical instrumentality. The ability to
create, or change, anything of or around them with only a thought.
All powered by this energy creating machine without equal.
As is
usually the case, they hadn't anticipated all of the ramifications of
what having this new ability might entail. Just a little thing like
the lower brain left over from their rise, in evolutionary steps,
from whatever species was lucky enough to find itself in not only a
gravity dependent, three dimensional physical space, but with opposing
digits, vertical symmetry, and at least one set of true arms and legs
that would allow for running, climbing, throwing, carrying and, most
importantly, grasping. For it is in the ability to grasp that we
acquire the notion of handle. Because once you have a handle for
everything you can begin to manipulate not only physical things on a
whole new level, you are able to do the same with interior layers of
abstraction; as in the naming of things which is the objectifying
foundation of language.
mistake cost them dearly as the lower brain is where all of the base
instincts and emotions come from. The fears and lusts. The rage or
rapture that being socialized, as cooperation had tremendous adaptive
advantage, had to put constraints on. Learned responses to
inappropriate urges that would make cooperating nearly impossible.
The animal part of the brain that the sudden explosion of neurons and
synaptic connections that overlaid it would come to try and ignore,
and/or forget, most of the time. Passions that might not be so
helpful if they were tied directly to a machine designed only to turn
thought into action and effect.
subconscious mind of Pigeon’s character is discovered to be
responsible for killing all but him and his newly acquired wife out
the original scientific team. Killed them because they wanted to
leave a planet with such dangerous power and he didn't. He had
stumbled upon the mind expansion apparatus. He had survived it where
the captain of the expedition had not. And once expanded his mind
could begin to unravel the Krell language. Unfortunately, it could
also access the Krell thought translator, if only from within his
story, you see, is a powerful metaphor. A metaphor best expressed for
my part by the little turn of expression I use: “Oh what tangled
webs we weave when first we practice to receive, our fictions.”
society now, powered by an electrified form of Capitalism, approaches
what the Krell created. It is an electric dream machine now precisely
because that is what motivates consumption the best. And our
technology winds up with ever more clever ways to not only encourage
and shape the dreams, but to know what we might be dreaming at any
given moment, and then to be able to produce whatever object or
effect to best satisfy that dream; that fantasy. And to get it to you
ever more quickly.
It can
do this because all pervasive, external observation, is soon to be
supplanted with instrumentality in direct contact with ever greater
parts of our being; giving not only more fidelity and resolution to
the data collected, but to what can then be returned as the thing
If you
have seen the other movies on my list you can probably already see
where I am going with this. “Avatar” alone prompted a lengthy
essay on what I found to be the amazing contrast it presents
concerning connection. A movie that broke new ground in creating a
new, immersive viewing experience; all so that it could tell a story
that had connection, and its relative lack thereof, as its primary
focus. Portraying a native people absolutely connected to each other,
as well as the unbelievably beautiful, and fantastic, world they
lived in, being set upon by beings who have come to embody almost
absolute disconnection with virtually everything around them.
On the
surface it was a rather simplistic story of greed, partially belied
by the “Unobtanium” the humans were supposedly there to mine;
when of course we all know that what is really at stake here is
power, and the base fear that creates the irrational need to horde
whatever can be horded in the first place. Thinking that, by
placating this one fear, we will be in control and nothing else will
The last
movie, however, is a real topper for me. A fine bit of punctuation to
mark just how crazy the path we are on is. That movie, “The
Congress,” has Robin Wright basically portraying herself. more or
less. She is shown here to be an actress who has squandered virtually all of the acting opportunities she's been offered, after
“Princess Bride,” because of her son. He has an unnamed
affliction that will eventually leave him deaf and blind, while
leaving untouched a mind that might be unbelievably creative; a
physical disconnect that is suggested to be quite prescient in terms
of where interactive technology might be going in the story.
Keitel plays her agent of long standing. The story starts with Keitel
telling her that she has one last shot at securing a contract with
Miramax. It will later be revealed that this contract will be to
acquire her complete physical and emotional persona in the form of
digital scanning. Once collected the studio will own all rights to
the utilization of that persona in the portrayal of whatever
character and story the studio wishes to undertake. From that point
forward she will no longer be an actress of any sort, and banned from
expressing her persona in any kind of portrayal for public or private
And thus
do we see a new layering of abstraction. The old fear certain natives
had of a picture capturing their soul takes a significant step
towards being true. One person's nearly entire physical and emotional
potential for expression captured inside a computer and ready for
presentation of whatever the market desires (porn was excluded here,
but you know that restraint wouldn't last long, seeing as how code is
always vulnerable to attack and/or theft).
Wright resists at first, of course, but in several truly heart
breaking scenes with Keitel it is made clear to her that it is either
this or nothing. It is so not only because of her proclivities for
being difficult, but for the studio's desire to remove all human
elements in the creation of this particular form of entertainment.
Cost effective production demands it. Computer games are already
having the movie industry's ass for lunch as it is. They have to
compete more effectively or die.
movie then jumps 20 years into the future. We then see a gray haired
Robin Wright driving with stoic resignation towards a meeting with
the heads of Miramax; now a Japanese and American conglomerate. They
want to renew the contract but, as Robin will find out, they want to
take her persona into a new realm of consumptive technology.
Not only
have their chemists discovered the chemical means to have the human
brain perceive and feel within an engineered reality that can be
shared, they have gone the extra step of creating chemical
formulations that would allow a person to assume all of the captured
essence of the personalities of their choice while in these new
“realities.” You simply drink the formula and you become that
The real
kicker in this is that, in order to participate in this meeting,
Robin must agree to sniff the concoction that puts her in the
outlandish cartoon that the movers and shakers of the entertainment
industry have decided is the “reality du jour.” The meeting site
is, in fact, a restricted animation zone. And at the gala surrounding
this meeting she will be used to announce that everyone can be
whatever personality they desire to be, and to hell with “Miller
Time.” If you think that's a buzz just wait till you can play
around with Anniston, or Deschanel, or Jolie, or whoever else, from
the inside out.
We get a feel for the kinds of chaos this kind of layered abstraction can have
on connection and meaning, when rebels attack the gathering, but the
movie ends with a kind of ambiguity and ambivalence towards what
might ultimately be achieved by chemical manifestation of our deepest
dreams. Ego may supposedly be freed from caring about achievement, or
the lack thereof, and therefore jealousy, because we will all have
the ability to find true nirvana. On the other hand, when Robin
decides to remove herself from the shared fantasy, she sees the sorry
state of the former “real world,” and those who still in habit
other side of the coin, of course, is the direct electrical
connection to the brain so that we might simply become self processed
avatars of our own in endless plastic environments; limited only by
imagination and raw computing power. That this might be a truly
involving experience goes without question. What we have to
recognize, however, is that one form of experience will always have
things the other does not.
matter what the fidelity that our techniques are able to achieve,
there will always be certain elements that cannot be measured and
abstracted completely, so as to be manipulable. Elements of effect
and reaction that may well be at least as subtle as the butterfly
wings whose movement in one place sets in motion a hurricane in
another. Elements of life energy for instance that are impossible to
fully understand, let alone know the importance of.
connection to meaning, and the structures that create those meanings,
as well as the larger impact all of that has on the Cosmos in
general, feeding back to us in turn, is ignored at the peril of a
good deal more than just this one vector of experience association we
like to think of as a reality. Meaning and Love go hand in hand. Just
as abstraction and mind go hand in hand. The bottom line here needs
to be the effort to live a proper balance between the two; knowing
that this balance will seldom be symmetrical, and never static. In my
opinion we will never be able to achieve even attempting to work this
balance if we continue within the absurd commercial, commodity, form
of social organization we call Capitalism. We must seek an
alternative and we must begin as soon as we can.